The article examines the concept and essence of the aspects of digitalisation in the field of public administration in the context of economic and legal instruments of influence on the quality and speed of European integration processes. The modern doctrine identifies several main features of the digital transformation of public administration. In Ukraine, significant progress in the development of digital transformation of public administration has been observed since 2016, when the Digital Agenda of Ukraine 2020 programme was developed, which was adapted to the standards of the European Union's Digital Agenda and included plans for the transition to digital transformation of public administration and the Ukrainian economy. The areas of digital development were identified as follows: bridging the digital divide through the development of digital infrastructures; development of digital competencies; implementation of the concept of digital jobs; digitalisation of the real economy (development of Industry 4.0); implementation of digital transformation projects; public safety; education; healthcare; tourism; e-democracy; ecology and environmental protection; urban life (building a smart city); cashless payments; harmonisation with European and global scientific initiatives; and public administration. Among the main characteristics of digitalisation in public administration is the use of digital tools, such as open data, electronic platforms and analytical systems, which facilitates citizens' access to information about the activities of public authorities, thus reducing corruption risks. Digitalisation stimulates the introduction of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain and big data for forecasting, analysis and management. It is emphasised that in the context of digitalisation, special attention should be paid to cyber protection of citizens' data and state information systems. Therefore, the process of digitalisation in Ukraine is inextricably linked to the harmonisation of digital standards with European ones, which facilitates the country's integration into the EU's digital single market. The authors paid special attention to the role of key elements of e-governance, such as the development of the functionality of the online system "Diia" and the portal "Diia.Business", since the introduction of the Unified Portal of Public Services "Diia" is a significant step in the development of the "digital society". The author identifies four main stages of formation of the system of public administrative e-services in Ukraine. The most popular types of public services that can be accessed through digital technologies today are: 1) SRCSA services (state registration of civil status acts); 2) registration of an individual entrepreneur; 3) accruals for e-pensions; 4) electronic driver's office; 5) e-HELSI (doctor's appointment, medical record, e-prescriptions and treatment plan); 6) state land cadastre, etc. In the process of digitalising public administration, an important aspect is to simplify and accelerate procedures and mechanisms for making and implementing government decisions. This helps to reduce bureaucratic barriers and make processes more transparent and efficient. Digital technologies enable public services to respond more quickly to the needs of citizens and improve the quality of services provided. An important aspect of digital transformation is also increasing the accessibility of public services for different segments of the population, including those with limited physical or information mobility. Thus, the author has formed and confirmed the hypothesis that digitalisation is a strategic direction of public administration reform, and it really allows for qualitative changes in management processes, adaptation to modern challenges and increased public trust in state institutions, despite the most difficult challenges that Ukraine has been facing over the past three years.
How to Cite
digitalisation of public administration, e-governance, Digital Agenda of Ukraine 2020, electronic government services, Diia, Diia.Business, ASC, eMaliatko, e-PFU, e-democracy, digitalisation
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