

Published: Dec 12, 2017

  Tamara Hubanova

  Olena Yara

  Maryna Deineha


The increased danger of environmental crime is primarily determined by an increase in anthropogenic pressure on the natural environment, which, in the conditions of the global environmental crisis, threatens to cause significant, often non-renewable, damage to the vital interests of man, society, and the state. Ukraine belongs to the countries with the worst ecological situation. Pollution of the environment reached unprecedented levels in recent years. The purpose of the study is to reveal the essence and causes of environmental crime in Ukraine, socioeconomic aspects of the identified phenomenon, analyse the impact of negative consequences of environmental crime on the Ukrainian economy, as well as study legal aspects of criminal liability for environmental crimes and international legal standards on the raised issues. The subject of the study is the socio-economic and legal aspects of environmental crime in Ukraine. Methodology. In order to achieve the goal, the authors of the study carried out an analysis of the definition of the system of environmental crimes in the scientific literature, various statistical data on the state of the ecological situation and crime in Ukraine, as well as laws and regulations defining the national environmental policy of Ukraine. As a result of the study, the essence and causes of environmental crime in Ukraine are highlighted, socio-economic aspects of the phenomenon, the impact of negative consequences of environmental crime on the Ukrainian economy, and legal aspects of criminal liability for environmental crimes and international legal standards on the raised issues are revealed. Value/originality. The raised issues repeatedly attracted the attention of many researchers; in the scientific literature, various aspects of environmental crime were given attention in the works of famous scholars in the field of criminal and environmental law, experts in the field of economics of natural resources. However, the value of the research carried out is the lack of coverage in the scientific literature of the socio-economic aspects and legal principles of environmental crime in Ukraine. The authors of the study for the first time emphasized the need to abstract from the outdated orientation and move to global constructive cooperation on the basis of recognition of the priority of universal values, a joint search for effective ways out of the deep crisis that humanity has fallen out of its own life.

How to Cite

Hubanova, T., Yara, O., & Deineha, M. (2017). SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND LEGAL ASPECTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CRIME IN UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 3(5), 276-280.
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ecological crime, crimes against environment, ecological crisis, socio-economic consequences, criminal liability.


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