

Published: Oct 12, 2018

  Serhii Mosondz

  Tamara Hubanova


At the present development stage of Ukrainian society, the fact of absence of conceptual understanding of the content of state scientific policy and mechanisms of its formation and implementation is stated. The above stipulates the need to formulate a complete and perfect theory of state scientific policy and its legal confirmation. The purpose of the article is to formulate the author’s conception of the state scientific policy and substantiate the necessity of its legal consolidation in Ukraine through the prism of the analysis of provisions of the current legislation, as well as the critical study of works of modern scholars. Achievement of the formulated purpose is carried out by means of complex and consistent application of the corresponding scientific tools presented by such methods of scientific knowledge as: logical-semantic, system, structural-logical, methods of grouping, deduction, induction, analysis and synthesis, etc. Results. In the article, an analysis of scientific developments devoted to the clarification of the content of the state scientific policy is carried out. The author succeeded in establishing that state scientific policy is often viewed from structural positions, that is, as a formation consisting of a certain set of elements. In the author’s opinion, such an approach is somewhat mechanical, since those many connections and factors that ensure its smooth functioning remain out of sight. In order to solve this task, as stated in the article, it is necessary to nominate and consolidate the state scientific policy at the legislative level as a strategy and tactics of state activity in the field of science that corresponds to national interests and international standards. As a summary, the conclusion is drawn that modernization of legal acts in the field of science should consist in harmonizing legal principles with European standards, creating legal grounds for building a modern national scientific system. The development and adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On State Scientific Policy of Ukraine” deserves, in the author’s opinion, the priority attention among the problems to be solved in the legal sphere on issues of state scientific policy of Ukraine.

How to Cite

Mosondz, S., & Hubanova, T. (2018). LEGAL DIMENSION OF THE STATE SCIENTIFIC POLICY OF UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(3), 179-183.
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policy, state policy, state scientific policy, public administration, science, grounds, development, efficiency, legal consolidation


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