

Published: Jun 7, 2018

  Olha Kudrina

  Vitaliy Omelyanenko


The purpose of this study is to consider the main aspects of system security theoretical concept and practical aspect within the technological & innovation systems research methodology development according to their considering as structurally complicated systems. Methodology. In this study, we propose to use the concept of technological & innovation systems, in which it is analysed the development of the technological field in terms of structures and processes that support or impede its development. So this approach can be considered as an expanding to techno-socio-economic analysis, considered for the innovation system in our previous studies. Results. The problem of study comes from the national security and defence objectives, which can be achieved within the national innovation systems, considering new meaning and problems in the age of globalization and high technologies development. We can underline that the important factor of technological & innovation systems system security consists in system identification within the management theory as the determination of the structure of the system and its parameters by analysing input data and system outputs. At the same time, we can note the system specifics, e.g. the identification of industrial systems security deals with the establishment of the identity of production facilities an ecological security etc. The most important relationships of innovation & technological systems designing that allow establishing appropriate adaptive management decisions were proposed. For the development of combined models of innovation & technological systems security, the main aspects of this type of systems were considered. Practical implications. Based on this, the author proposed to use system indicators for security providing process. Using these indicators, we can identify system synchronous development speed and autonomous of speeds of security providing process. The technological & innovation systems security management is proposed to be analysed in two interrelated subsystems: self-organizing subsystems and technological subsystem. The main activities for the system security of highly complicated system providing were proposed. Value/originality. Based on the foregoing, the authors proposed to use security relationships adaptive management as a set of methods that can generate management systems, able to change the security-related parameters of regulator or controller structure according to the change of control object parameters or external disturbances acting on the control object.

How to Cite

Kudrina, O., & Omelyanenko, V. (2018). RESEARCH FRAMEWORK FOR SYSTEM SECURITY OF TECHNOLOGICAL & INNOVATION SYSTEMS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(1), 248-254.
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system security, technological & innovation system, national security, national innovation system, technology, analysis


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