

Published: Mar 22, 2019

  Vitaliy Omelyanenko


The purpose of this study is to consider the main aspects of system security providing institutional concept within the technological & innovation systems research methodology development through institutional innovations. In this paper, we will consider how the new evolutionary institutional theory of economic systems in the context of the space-time approach can help in organizing strategic management of development path of the innovation system, increasing system security, and effectiveness of its activities through the balance of system structure. Methodology. The scientific novelty of the research and the solution of its tasks deals, first of all, with the application of the non-system approach, which allows one to consider the factors and results of functioning of such complex economic systems as innovation macro projects, innovation processes, institutional and informational environments, etc. within the framework of providing national security. Involvement on a systematic basis of spatiotemporal analysis allows us to consider in the interrelation processes the distribution of flows of innovation resources and functions, on the one hand, and the distribution in time of similar flows. To solve the tasks of research, the classical scientific methods (analysis and synthesis, logical generalization, analogies, comparative comparison, and grapho-analytical methods), and specific methods of high technologies economy and innovation management were used. Results. As a result of the study, the features of the systemic socio-economic patterns of the functioning of innovation system institutions and the mechanism of management of innovation development in the conditions of modern global technological transformations have been determined. In the future, this makes possible the substantiation of promising areas of state regulation (participation) aimed at activating innovation processes in the economy according to the priorities related to scientific and educational, cluster and network development, and the development of a set of models for the harmonization of the system of priorities of national security and sectoral priorities of innovation development. Using the gained knowledge in practice will help to improve the state of national security, resource saving, improve conditions, and increase labour productivity, as well as the transition to sustainable development of the national economy. Practical implications. Systemic coordination of innovation components of state programs, stimulation of innovation activity, involvement of financial strategies in the innovation economy, expansion of international cooperation and activation of demand for high-tech products, increasing the effectiveness of innovation development programs of companies, and launching of national projects have been proposed as the objectives of forming institutional innovations. The proposed institutional and technological design methodology provides for the selection of institutional tools and scaling of the most effective development tools. Value/originality. The proposed network mechanisms for systemic security ensuring provide the improvement of implementing innovative development programs for the largest companies with state participation; further development of priority technological platforms and innovation networks; harmonization of technological priorities and projects formed within the framework of technological platforms, with the tools of state strategies.

How to Cite

Omelyanenko, V. (2019). INSTITUTIONAL STRATEGIES OF SYSTEM SECURITY OF TECHNOLOGICAL & INNOVATION SYSTEMS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 5(1), 150-159.
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system security, national security, national innovation system, technology, analytics, networks, institutions


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