

Published: Jul 25, 2018

  Pavlo Ilchuk

  Іryna Mushenyk


Development of modern economic system is taking place based on the concept of “knowledge economy”. And thus the main method to stimulate economic development is to introduce innovations. Within the functioning of national innovation systems, there is the integration of science, education, capital, and production that, on the one hand, allows creating innovations and, on the other, stimulates the development of the economy precisely due to the formation of the synergetic effect of cooperation of many participants of innovative process. The subject of research is the interrelation of innovative activity with economic efficiency and economic growth at the macrolevel. Therefore, the purpose of the research is to evaluate influence of development of national innovation systems on the economic efficiency, and a number of tasks are carried out in order to achieve it: development of integrated indicators to evaluate operating efficiency of national innovation systems, identification of relationship between the level of development of national innovation systems and the level of economic development of countries, evaluation of development of individual national innovation systems, and determination of influence of the level of national innovation systems’ development on the economic growth of countries. The methodology of research of influence of development level of national innovation systems on the economic growth of countries is based on building integral indices, which are calculated by using the method of geometric average of partial indices and construction of regression models, which allow evaluating the influence of development of national innovation systems on the economic efficiency. In the paper, the author’s method of forming integral indicator to evaluate the level of development of national innovation systems is developed and a method of evaluating their influence on the economy is proposed. Testing of the methodology of evaluation of national innovation systems’ development is carried out based on data of national innovation systems of six countries: Ukraine, Great Britain, Latvia, Germany, Poland, and France. The work proves the existence of a close positive interrelation between the index of national innovation systems’ development and the index of GDP per capita, which is peculiar for all countries under study. Also, there are built regression models according to data of calculation of the index of national innovation systems’ development and its elements with a quite high reliability, which allows using them in order to forecast GDP per capita under conditions of national innovation systems’ development. Moreover, the paper identifies individual features of the influence of separate directions of the functioning of innovation systems on the level of economic development of the countries under study, which provides an opportunity to conduct strategic management for separate directions of the functioning of national innovation systems.

How to Cite

Ilchuk, P., & MushenykІ. (2018). INFLUENCE OF DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONAL INNOVATION SYSTEMS ON THE ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(2), 78-85.
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innovations, innovation system, development, economy, influence, integral indicator


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