

Published: Jul 25, 2018

  Maksym Sitnicki


The aim of the article is the formation of an innovative model for the commercialization of the services of scientific libraries of research universities in order to increase their financial autonomy. The methodology of the research is based on the use of methods: scientific generalization, systematization, comparison, modelling. The object of research is the activity of scientific libraries of research universities, which strive to vary in the current conditions of rapid technological development. The research results consist of the systematization of the main and secondary functions of scientific libraries of research universities. A new economic category of “digital franchising” has been proposed and characterized as a model of cooperation between the franchisor and the franchisee when the rights to use and represent the company of the franchisor in the intercontinental digital space are transferred. The franchisee has the right to use the company name, services, goods, technological processes, and software of the franchisor to create its own digital network of sub-franchisees and digital products on the basis of the conditions specified in the contract. Such kind of franchising will allow settling relations in a digital cyberspace, promptly developing and getting new, yet not completely studied forms. Comparison of traditional and digital models of franchising has allowed to show differences on ten basic criteria: costs for building a network; speed of interaction; level of managerial flexibility; updating of the system; the possibility of expanding the network; financial control; brand management; rate of return; the speed of information about new services; need for operational management. The revealed discrepancies are mainly characterized by different time frames for implementing managerial decisions and excellent approaches to the formation and use of the necessary financial and organizational resources. The author has developed an innovative franchise model, which makes it possible to effectively commercialize the services of scientific libraries. This model is based on the use of franchising by building a broad network of digital services. The peculiarity of digital franchising is revealed, which consists in the essential optimization of expenses for organizing the activities of scientific libraries, in comparison with the traditional model, and speeding up the pace and quality of service. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in new opportunities for pushing a new wave of development of methods for commercializing the services of scientific libraries of research universities and their dissemination at the global level. Using the developed innovative franchise model will be useful for theorists and practitioners engaged in the development of strategies for the development of research universities and their scientific libraries. The main conclusion of the research is that the introduction of a developed marketing tool by talented managers with an entrepreneurial type of thinking will become a source of financial autonomy for scientific libraries of research universities they manage. Digital expansion in a strategic perspective will absorb all the major information flows that affect the development of the world. Libraries of research universities, as key centres for aggregation and translation of scientific information and knowledge, should be ready for such scenario and already experiment with new tools for the future, which is digital franchising.

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digital franchising, franchising model, scientific libraries, research universities, commercialization of services


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