

Published: Sep 17, 2020


The article deals with the essence, factors, and patterns of macroeconomic risks mitigation. The purpose of the paper is to summarize and present a classification of systemic risks, to analyse principles and methods of macroeconomic risks evaluation. The methodological basis of the study is general scientific and special methods of cognition. The most extended analysis of systemic risks not only from the perspective of geographical and historical aspects but also in the context of modern economic processes is carried out. Results of the research prove that in the context of formation of a new economy of Ukraine and approval of the practice of timely prevention and mitigation of macroeconomic risks in accordance with imperative of modern time, it is necessary to: 1) give real state priority to the most advanced educational technologies. While providing maximum broad and equal access of youth to education, we should have the program for search and practical support of national intelligence phenomena in place; 2) create conditions for rehabilitation and advanced development of innovative directions of applied and, first and utmost, polytechnic sciences. It is the task of the state to ensure their financial support and direct employment at enterprises. All-round support of introduction of high-yield venture developments into the production; 3) secure efficient state protection of intellectual property, create legislatively the conditions for commercial usage of innovative achievements within the country; 4) encourage with maximum efficiency return of high-level engineers and blue-collar workers to the technological area; breathe new life into the system of professional and technical schools where information and programming professions prevail and which graduators would be engaged with priority into operations in unique productions; 5) create modern information market, allround support of introduction of a unified information field. Learning and striving to satisfy human needs without placing systemic risks on future generation being on the Earth should become the core principle of a civilizational development. Value/originality. We may lay down an essential principle of civilizational regulation of systemic risks when each state, specifically the international community, should set up (subject to all complexities of practical implementation) regulating constants, rules, and bans of such contents and in such direction to have business or entrepreneurial activities carried out ultimately in the risk-related mode, which would cause no detrimental effect on the economy as whole.

How to Cite

Paida, Y., Andrushko, Y., & Iliushyk, O. (2020). MACROECONOMIC RISKS: CLASSIFIED FEATURES, METHODS OF MEASUREMENT, MITIGATION PATTERNS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(4), 258-264.
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systemic risks, macroeconomic risks, risk monitoring, VAR-model


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