

Published: Dec 18, 2018

  Sergyi Smerichevskyi

  Tetiana Kniazieva

  Atia Walid


The subject of the study is a set of theoretical and methodological aspects of the development of organizational and economic relations that arise in the process of interaction of economic subjects while shaping the potential of territorial marketing as a factor of its socio-economic development. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the methodology for assessing the integral indicator of the territorial marketing functioning. The methodology of the presented study of marketing management in territorial units is based on the multivariate assessment of various economic entities that clearly shows the priorities and unevenness in the areas’ development. Area economic entities themselves are interested in the area development and determine the direction of area development. Economic entities’ direct residence and economic activity conducted by them in the area should be taken into account. This makes them serious experienced experts who are really interested in the effective and rapid development of their area. Economic entities themselves determine the measurable criteria for assessing the directions that they were originally offered. The “brainstorming” is used where the experts in the area development are involved. There is a joint process aimed at obtaining the most concrete and measurable results that actual state is assessed from 0 to 10 by the process participants based on personal observations and statistics. The evaluation of marketing results is based on the multicriteria socio-economic approach. The evaluation criteria should include the economic mechanism formation. This mechanism provides an effective interaction of market institutions and business entities in the area; selection of wholesale and retail organizational and economic forms, financial and credit and business services, as well as organizational and legal forms of trade and economic interregional ties; the markets system creation that is based on the priority provision of consumers and small owners interest; the choice of the most effective channels for goods movement, transportation, warehousing, material, financial, and information flows rationalization. The methodology for estimating the integral indicator of territorial marketing functioning that is presented in the work is based on the next indicators: financial stability, business activity, profitability, technical and technological stability, social sustainability, environmental sustainability that allows monitoring the functioning of the territorial marketing system. This methodology is universal since it allows evaluating areas of different industrial orientations and comparing them in order to identify the greatest functioning stability. Methodology for marketing research of areas potential is based on the system approach, complex consideration of conceptual principles of areas’ marketing potential formation and development; key features of territorial marketing allow carrying out purposeful actions for the sustainable development of area marketing potential, within the framework of which the conditions of its formation are determined, and their aggregate acts as a point of growth of market marketing component of the economic potential of the territory and is the basis for constructing the model of infrastructure of the marketing potential of the territory, used to make sound and balanced management decisions; developed a methodology for assessing the integral indicator of the functioning of territorial marketing. Research conclusion: grounded methodology of research of territorial marketing potential that is based on the system approach, complex consideration of concepts of area marketing potential formation and development. The key features of territorial marketing are distinguished that allow carrying out purposeful actions for the stable development of the area marketing potential, within the framework of which the conditions for its forming are determined, and their complex serves as a point of growth of market marketing component of the area economic potential and is the basis for the creation of the infrastructure model for the area marketing potential that is used to make substantiated and balanced management decisions; a methodology for assessing the integral indicator of territorial marketing is developed.

How to Cite

Smerichevskyi, S., Kniazieva, T., & Walid, A. (2018). ASSESSMENT OF MARKETING ACTIVITY MANAGEMENT IN TERRITORIAL UNITS: THEORETICAL-METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(4), 326-333.
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territorial marketing, area marketing potential, regional policy, sustainable economic development, strategic planning of territorial marketing


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