

Published: Dec 11, 2018

  Maryna Kovbatiuk

  Vladyslava Shevchuk


The processes of formation and efficiency evaluation of the transport and logistics clusters’ operation as a tool of national transport competitiveness, possibility to attract investment to the field, in order to reach a high point of innovation development, are of a great interest nowadays. All mentioned above make additional requests to the modern specialists in the transport industry. It is possible to solve this problem as a result of cooperation between transport enterprises and higher education institutions in the process of cluster operation. Thus, the subject of research is effective cooperation between transport enterprises and higher education institutions in the process of cluster structures’ cooperation. The aim of the research is the development of an integrated index of operating efficiency evaluation of transport enterprises and higher education institutions to evaluate its cooperation under the conditions of operation of transport and logistics cluster (TLC). Methodology. In the research process, the methods of scientific knowledge such as analysis and synthesis were used in studying of the activity of self-supporting separated subdivision of Kiliya Shipbuilding and Repair Yard of Private Joint- Stock Company “Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company” and State University of Infrastructure and Technologies in 2015–2017. Economic-mathematical methods were used to make integrated index calculation of operating efficiency evaluation of transport enterprise and higher education institute, value scale determination of the integrated index of operating efficiency evaluation of the clusters’ entity. The expert evaluation method is used to define the values, characterized operation of transport enterprises and higher education institutions under the conditions of their cooperation within TLC and their significance. Method of scientific abstract is applied to come to theoretical general conclusions. The system approach is the main one in the research. Results. In the article, the methodological approach was used, it includes value system determination based on the expert evaluation, method of integrated index calculation and value scale development of an integrated index to evaluate performance efficiency of transport enterprises and higher education institutions under the conditions of their cooperation in transport and logistics cluster. This approach was applied on the example of the activity of self-supporting separated subdivision of Kiliya Shipbuilding and Repair Yard of Private Joint-Stock Company “Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company” and State University of Infrastructure and Technologies. It is determined that entities of transport and logistics cluster can achieve a general positive economic impact. Practical implications. Practical consequences are connected with the opportunity to use suggested methodological approach to make the calculation of entities’ efficiency as a result of their cooperation in the cluster. The practicability of the cooperation between transport enterprises and educational institutions in the transport and logistics cluster in this research is proved by the opportunity to get a lot of advantages as a result of this cooperation, by the positive change of main operating index of the cluster’s members. It is base for the development of further enterprise development strategy, proved by a jury of opinion and calculated integrated index of the effectiveness of their activity. Value/originality. Originality lies in the development of scientifically-grounded formulas for integrated index calculation of operating efficiency evaluation of transport enterprises and higher education institutions in the transport and logistics cluster and opportunity to identify efficiency level of their cooperation according to developed value scale.

How to Cite

Kovbatiuk, M., & Shevchuk, V. (2018). EFFICIENCY EVALUATION OF COOPERATION BETWEEN TRANSPORT ENTERPRISES AND HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS IN THE TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS CLUSTER. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(5), 114-121. https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2018-4-5-114-121
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transport and logistics cluster, transport enterprises, higher education institutions, cluster entities’ cooperation, integrated index of efficiency evaluation


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