

Published: Dec 11, 2018

  Iryna Kreidych

  Nadezhda Roshchyna

  Oksana Kazak


The aim of the article is studying the process of implementation of promotional monetary policy by investigation of the functionality of the transmission mechanism channels. The paper singles out the peculiarities of the implementation of monetary policy in well-developed and developing countries. The subject of the study is: the structure of the monetary transmission mechanism; the functionalities of both traditional and non-traditional channels and their influence on promotional monetary policy are defined. An analysis of the existing structure of the transmission mechanism made it possible to determine the strength and speed of feedback between participants and the degree of influence on the real sector and to formulate appropriate proposals for its adjustment or activation. In addition, it is indicated that, under the present conditions, it is non-traditional channels that acquire special significance; also, the main factors that have shifted the priority vector in their direction are defined. Alongside this, the study presents modern modifications of promotional monetary policy and their significance for the modern economic world. Methodology. The classic methods of scientific research are used in the article, among which are the following: observation, abstraction, comparison, systematic approach, analysis, and synthesis. Results. The conducted study clearly demonstrates that, in the process of changing financial relations, the significance of the transmission mechanism channels in the process of implementing promotional monetary policy changed, too. At the same time, it is expedient to single out the reasons that lead to a change in the role of some channels of monetary transmission in relation to others. Current research and developments are not limited to the above structure of the transmission mechanism channels. Moreover, their list is constantly replenished, which is indicative of the existence of transformational processes affecting the financial sector. The approaches to the structure of the transmission mechanism and the functionality of its channels, determined in this article, make it possible to assess the effectiveness of implementing monetary policy. Practical implications. Clarified complex causes of destructive nature, which initially level out practically any actions with regard to the system approach, namely, the absence of the integrated combination of interests of all social and economic spheres: state-business-society. Also, the results of the study provide an opportunity to identify further trends in the changing transmission mechanism channels in the implementation process of monetary policy and use this knowledge by planning and forecasting for the functionality of transmission channels. Value/originality. This research was carried out within the framework of the scientific work of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Economics of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” (No. 0112U007817) on the topic: “Globalization of industrial capacity formation trends in the terms of post-industrial transformation”.

How to Cite

Kreidych, I., Roshchyna, N., & Kazak, O. (2018). THE APPLICATION OF MONETARY INCENTIVE POLICY IN CURRENT ECONOMIC CONDITIONS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(5), 129-139.
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promotional monetary policy, channels of monetary transmission mechanism, structure of monetary transmission mechanism


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