

Published: Oct 29, 2019

  Iryna Kreidych

  Alla Bielova

  Gheorghij Olijnyk


The aim of the article is to study the innovative capabilities of a production enterprise, it is determined that the inefficient use of innovative ideas by enterprises results from the need to increase the economic development of industrial enterprises and the introduction of innovative ideas and projects, as well as the development of a model of innovative development of the corresponding type. The subject of the study is: factors of generating signs of innovation, the influence of scientific and technical developments on the industrial enterprise is determined. The analysis of the existing structure allows us to determine precisely the priority directions of innovative development in the conditions of global changes and integration into the world economic space of post-socialist enterprises, taking into account constructive and key factors ensuring their resultant effect. In addition, a closed scheme of the formation of a system of strategic innovation development, which will allow the verification of the adequacy of predictive values and ensure the achievement of strategic innovative performance of the business entity, is proposed. Methodology. The article uses classical methods of scientific research, among which are: observation, scientific abstraction and comparison, analysis and synthesis. Results. The conducted research is based on the thesis that structural and dynamic shifts within the production enterprise and their transition to a qualitatively new level of economic growth are only possible if active development of innovative resources of different nature will increase the ability of the enterprise to self-development, improve competitive positions, and make it possible to become an equal partner in the world community. Practical implications. Explains the complex causes of the current state of industrial enterprises, namely, former socialist enterprises, their problems were identified, and the ways of the enterprises’ exit to the new level of development are proposed taking into account the constitutive and key factors of ensuring the effectiveness of the innovation activity itself. The closed-loop scheme of strategic innovation development of a production enterprise is suggested in the practice of management that will protect an enterprise from the inefficient use of innovative resources and innovative opportunities on the basis of a counter-check on the adequacy of the constructed forecasts and the feasibility of carrying out innovative changes and attracting investment resources. Value/originality. This research was carried out within the framework of the scientific work of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Economics of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” (№ 0112U007817) on the theme: “Globalization of the directions of formation of industrial potential in conditions of post-industrial transformation”.

How to Cite

Kreidych, I., Bielova, A., & Olijnyk, G. (2019). FORMING THE CONDITIONS OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF ENTERPRISES IN THE TRANSFORMATION ECONOMY. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 5(4), 122-129.
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innovative potential, strategic innovation development, innovative capacity, innovative opportunities, innovative development of economic processes


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