

Published: Dec 11, 2018

  Vyacheslav Truba

  Viktoriia Borshch

  Olha Haran


The main purpose of the paper is to analyse the methodological framework for state regulation and public administration of the health care sector in the post-Soviet countries (the case of Ukraine). Methodology. This study combines economic, legal, and managerial analysis of Ukrainian healthcare system. In this study, a complex of the general scientific and special research methods was used to achieve the goal of the study. The method of historical and logical analysis of the literature was used. The functional and structural analysis was used with the purpose to research the state regulation of public relations in health care. Methods of comparative and statistical analysis and their synthesis were used to study the dynamics of development of legal basis in the health care sector. Method of summarization was used to make conclusions and recommendations for optimizing state regulation policy in Ukrainian health care. Scientific works of national and foreign scientists in the sphere of state regulation of health care sphere, national and international legal documents were used as the informational basis for the conducted research. Findings. In the paper, international basis for the formation of the Ukrainian state regulation mechanism is defined. The conceptual basis of state regulation mechanism is analysed. The difference between state regulation and public administration in healthcare is determined. Components of the healthcare market are allocated in order to analyse certain methods of their regulation. Main direct and indirect administrative and economic methods of state regulation in different medical markets are analysed. The framework for medical reformation is determined. Practical implications. The results of this study form the theoretical and methodological basis for practical improvement of the state regulation system of public relations in Ukrainian health care.

How to Cite

Truba, V., Borshch, V., & Haran, O. (2018). METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORKS FOR STATE REGULATION OF HEALTH CARE SYSTEM IN THE POST-SOVIET COUNTRIES. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(5), 364-370.
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health care system, state regulation, economic and legal basis, market relations in healthcare


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