

Published: Mar 22, 2019

  Serhii Penkov

  Mykola Chabanenko


The article studies the concept and features of the constitutional freedom of a natural person to conduct business activity in Ukraine. It is analysed features of human freedom under consideration. The authors present their own definition of the constitutional freedom of a person to conduct entrepreneurial activity. The issue of peculiarities of management of a natural person as a business entity is considered. It compares the legal status of a natural person with the legal status of a private entrepreneur. The article lists the duties of a private entrepreneur, as well as limitations on the performance of any types of activities by private entrepreneurs. It considers a procedure of the state registration of a private entrepreneur. The paper defines the essence and main range of tools of mechanisms of state regulation of entrepreneurial activity in Ukraine. The issue of mechanisms regulation is covered. It is formed the principal functions, tools, and methods which the state follows in regulating entrepreneurship. The role of the state in managing the economy and functioning of business entities is discovered. The international experience of state business regulation is described. Statistics are indicated, and specific examples of countries are formed. Lines for handling problems concerning stimulating small and medium-sized enterprises are specified. Based on the analysis, generalization and systematization of research papers, and also weaknesses of government regulation of entrepreneurship in Ukraine are presented. The authors draw conclusions and propose ways for improving government regulation in order to improve and develop entrepreneurship in Ukraine. Theoretical approaches to the determination of the concept of the subject of offences counteraction are presented. Definition of the subject of offences counteraction in the sphere of entrepreneurial activity is analysed, and a range and system of the mentioned subjects are specified. Subjects of offences counteraction in the sphere of entrepreneurial activity vested with administrative and jurisdictional powers are put into an individual group.

How to Cite

Penkov, S., & Chabanenko, M. (2019). THE CONCEPT OF CONSTITUTIONAL FREEDOM OF A PERSON TO CONDUCT ENTREPRENEURIAL ACTIVITY. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 5(1), 160-167.
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guarantees of constitutional freedom, government regulation of entrepreneurship, constitutional freedom, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial activity, legal status, offences in entrepreneurial activity, offences counteraction


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