

Published: Mar 16, 2020

  Serhii Penkov

  Maryna Voloshyna


The article is devoted to the analysis of constitutional support of entrepreneurship legality in Ukraine and its functional purpose in the current conditions. The modern state of the constitutional instruments of government support of entrepreneurship in Ukraine is analyzed in its entirety; available accounting modes related to the official registration of natural and legal entities as economic agents as well as the prescription of regulatory requirements for conducting business in Ukraine are characterized. The authors formulate own view of the concept “entrepreneurship legality in Ukraine” taking into account modern development trends in business relations and objective necessity of their regulation through the constitutional means. Scholarly approaches to the definition of the concept “legal support of entrepreneurship” are studied. The paper proves that entrepreneurship faces the challenges, and sometimes it is impossible to solve the problems of local, regional, nationwide and global level, which evolve under the influence of non-market factors, independently. In order to resolve the above problems, it is essential to involve the state and provide conformity of the adopted policy in the business sector. The key impact factors and roadmap for further development of entrepreneurial activity are defined. The paper highlights the blocks of regulatory legal acts. Certain components of the constitutional support, which will have a favorable effect on entrepreneurial activity, are identified. The article generalizes the ways for improvement of the constitutional support of a business activity that further form four specific measures on effective and overall legal support of the entrepreneurial activity.

How to Cite

Penkov, S., & Voloshyna, M. (2020). CONSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT OF THE ENTREPRENEURSHIP LEGALITY IN UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 6(1), 105-112.
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business activity, government regulation of entrepreneurship, legality, constitutional guarantees, constitutional means, constitutional mode, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial activity, freedom of enterprise, business entity


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