

Published: Jul 31, 2019


The purpose of the article is to study the socio-economic component of the preferential taxation of individuals. It is shown that the Tax Social Benefit is the ability of the taxpayer to reduce the calculated total monthly taxable income in the form of wages. Methodology. The object of taxation is determined according to the status of the payer. So, for a resident – is: the total monthly (annual) taxable income; income from the source of their origin, which are finally taxed when they are charged (payment, provision), and foreign incomes – income (profit) received from sources outside. The object of taxation of a non-resident is: the total monthly (annual) taxable income from the source of its origin and income from the source of their origin in Ukraine, which are finally taxed during their calculation (payment, provision). Results. The basis of taxation is the total taxable income – any taxable income accrued (paid, provided) in favour of the taxpayer during the reporting tax period. Imagine the structure of the aggregate resources of households, which in the overwhelming majority are subject to tax. Individual Income Tax is fiscally significant for budgets of all levels, since after the distribution through the budget system the lion’s share remains at the disposal of local budgets Practical implications. Although Ukraine is a market economy country, in our opinion, observance of these recommendations will have only a positive effect both on activating the regulatory function of the Individual Income Tax and on the level of income differentiation of the population as a result. Value/ originality. In view of a large number of studies of domestic scientists on this issue, it is necessary to systematize tax deductions from Individual Income Tax in accordance with the concept of tax expenditures, taking into account the specifics of tax legislation. The established indicators for the tax social benefit are calculated according to the following algorithm: the maximum amount for the application of the tax social benefit: the subsistence minimum for an able-bodied person on January 1 of the reporting tax year, multiplied by 1.4 and rounded to the nearest 10 hryvnias. The size of the tax social benefit is equal to 50% of the subsistence minimum for an able-bodied person (per month), established by law on January 1 of the reporting tax year.

How to Cite

Plakhtii, T., Fedoryshyna, L., & Tomchuk, O. (2019). SOCIO-ECONOMIC COMPONENT OF PREFERENTIAL TAXATION OF INDIVIDUAL INCOME. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 5(2), 171-175.
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taxes, income, personal income tax, tax exemptions, tax social benefit, tax object, budget, insurance premiums


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