

Published: Jul 31, 2019

  Svitlana Sliusar


The paper’s purpose is to provide recommendations for carrying out theoretical bases of existence, the analysis of the current state and the prospects of development of business in Ukraine. Methodology. During the writing of the article, the following research methods were used: the search for available methodological and scientific literature, comparison, clarification of causal relationships, systematization, analysis of documentation and results of researchers’ work on the problem of the conducted research and expert evaluation. Results. Business development is very difficult and multidimensional, and the influence of many factors on small and medium business entities and is ambiguous and, therefore, demands further complex evidence-based analysis. It concerns such aspects of a research as: a research of positive processes in the conditions of making shifts in infrastructure, which cause the accelerated development of small and medium business entities and its social and economic consequences; deeper determination of regularities of formation and development of small business as one of structure-forming factors of market economy of Ukraine; improvement of the organizational and economic mechanism of the state support of small and medium business in Ukraine and also in its certain regions and spheres of action. Practical implications. It is noticed, there are positive shifts in the course of improvement of conditions of business because of the reduction of a number of permitting documents and licensing types, simplification of procedures for obtaining licenses and permissions, reduction of the controlling pressure upon business, improvement of the sphere of providing administrative services, strengthening of responsibility for violation of the legislation in the sphere of economic activity. Value/originality. In the article, the latest statistical data are used according to the analysis of the current state of functioning of business in Ukraine, problems and the directions of development of small and medium business in Ukraine are selected.

How to Cite

Sliusar, S. (2019). BUSINESS IN MODERN CONDITIONS OF MANAGEMENT. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 5(2), 206-213.
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entrepreneurship, small business, medium business, economy, gross domestic product, development


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