

Published: Aug 1, 2019


The purpose of this article is to study the experience of financial support of agriculture in the European Union in order to adapt it to the agricultural conditions of Ukraine. A decisive feature of European financial support to agriculture is the attitude towards it as one of the factors of development of the financial system of the European Union. Under the conditions when Ukraine tries to become a full member of the European Union, the author has proved that the modern system of financial support of agriculture in Ukraine is on the vector of formation and adaptation, therefore, the substantiation of theoretical and methodological principles and the development of practical recommendations for the improvement of existing and the introduction of progressive, recommended world practice levers and regulatory mechanisms become a determining factor in their further development. Methodology. In Ukraine, 2017 should only be expected to improve traditional forms of financial support. Among the positive points is the reduction of interest rates in UAH up to 15%, but with the preservation of monetary stability, one should not expect an increase in terms of lending, in the top, there will be loans up to one year, that is, within the product cycle. Results. Ukraine is trying to take over the experience of various European countries in relation to agriculture. It relies on the experience of Germany, France, Great Britain. Practical implications. The Government and the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food in the Budget for 2017 presented a state support reform that creates conditions for the development of small farms and stimulates the production of value-added products, and the main principles of state support should be targeting and transparency. Value/originality. In 2017, in support of the development of the livestock sector at the expense of the general fund of the state budget under the budget program “State Support of Livestock Sector”, expenditures are provided to ensure stabilization of livestock, increase its number, and stabilize production. In general, support for the agrarian sector is formal and insignificantly affecting the development of the agricultural sector, as a result of the economic and agricultural development vector declared in the 2017 Budget, in the light of economic instability, rising inflation and uncertainty.

How to Cite

Rogach, S., Vdovenko, L., & Polishchuk, O. (2019). AGRICULTURE OF UKRAINE UNDER THE JOINT POLICY OF THE EUROPEAN UNION. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 5(3), 178-183.
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Ukraine, EU, financial support, common agricultural policy, agriculture, demand, supply, budget, farmer, expenses, subsidy, interest rate, adaptation


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