

Published: Aug 1, 2019

  Olexandra Farat

  Marta Lyvdar


The process of cluster paradigm development in Ukraine is characterized by the absence of a clear legal and regulatory framework that would enable the clusters to be identified in the overall set of business entities. It complicates the coordination of the interaction of participants in the cluster process, as well as processes related to the creation and development of other innovation-oriented business structures. Significant impact is the availability of the weak information support, the task of which is to establish business communications between the state and business, on issues of ensuring the maximum possible realization of the existing innovative potential, in particular, by commercializing progressive innovations. Therefore, the particular topicality gets the issue of building a structured institutional environment that determines the clear mechanisms for the development of the most innovative business structures in Ukraine. The purpose of the researches was to develop specific mechanisms for organizing synergistic interaction of all participants in the process of creation and development of clusters in Ukraine in the context of multilevel sectors of their functioning. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were solved: the world tendencies of modern innovative development were investigated; the change of Ukraine’s positions during 2014–2017 in innovation rankings was considered; the state of development of innovative entrepreneurship in Ukraine was analysed; a system of scenarios for the organization of technological solutions for the development of innovative clusters was proposed; the indicator of the evaluation of the cluster paradigm development in the regions for the purpose of determining the useful effect from its implementation was presented. Considered changes in Ukraine’s positions in 2010–2017 in innovation rankings and indicators of the provision of innovation development in Ukraine in 2010–2017 state the extremely low level of state interest in creating, internal commercializing, and promoting to the external market own innovative technologies, and in the development of the very innovative business, which, in turn, reflects on the ability of enterprises to develop their innovative potential. The proposed system of scenarios for the organization of technological solutions for the development of innovative clusters includes four possible technologies for the creation of clusters, which are united in two blocks: technologies in the sector of state entrepreneurship – the source of stimulation are state institutions and technologies in the sector of private entrepreneurship – the source of initial incentives are business entities themselves. Using the proposed indicator of the expediency of cluster paradigm development in the regions to determine the useful effect from its implementation (IRCD), it is possible to estimate the influence of clusters on the development of the economy in the region.

How to Cite

Farat, O., & Lyvdar, M. (2019). ELABORATION OF TECHNOLOGY FOR IMPLEMENTING ORGANIZATIONAL SOLUTIONS ON INNOVATIVE CLUSTERS DEVELOPMENT. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 5(3), 207-212. https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2019-5-3-207-212
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innovation development, cluster association, cluster background, cluster creation technology, cluster development


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