

Published: Oct 29, 2019

  Mykhailo Vilhushynskyi

  Andrii Chornous


The purpose of the article is to scrutinize administrative and legal regulation of information relations of public procurement subjects in the economic sphere. Within the framework of the conducted research, the authors note that the system of subjects that carry out administrative and legal regulation of information relations in public procurement consists of general and special public administration subjects. The primary objectives of the article are the following: 1) to determine an exclusive list of public administration subjects that provide administrative and legal regulation of information relations in the field of public procurement; 2) to outline major trends of further development of administrative and legal regulation that relates to information relations of public procurement subjects. Methodology. In the course of the article preparation, a set of philosophical and ideological approaches has been used (in particular, the dialectical approach, which is a way of thinking based on the analysis of all available views on disclosure of the content of administrative and legal regulation of information relations of public procurement subjects; analytical approach, which is based on cognitive activity concerning proving or refuting the notion of a public procurement subjects system; hermeneutic that is used to understand the terms related to information relations of public procurement subjects in the economy); general scientific research methods (logical, which is based on “simple to complex” and “abstract to concrete” principles and relates to general characterization of information relations of public procurement subjects in the economic field); special methods (system-structural method when defining organizational structure and legal regulation of public procurement subjects activity, legal comparative analysis when studying foreign countries expertise; formal legal and formal logical approaches). Results. According to the results of the research, the authors have classified all public administration subjects that carry out legal administration of information relations in the field of public procurement into four separate organizational and structural levels. The particular article provides authors’ assumptions concerning further development of administrative and legal regulation of information relations of public procurement subjects in the economy, namely, emphasizes the necessity of strengthening preventive control in forms of general (analytical) monitoring, supervision of individual procurement procedures, and further automation of procurement processes; accentuates the tendency of public procurement sphere professionalization by organizing personnel trainings and educating public officials how to work with advanced information technologies; supports the need to continue implementing measures aimed at improving legislation, professionalizing labour resources in the public procurement field, improving international relations, attracting additional investments to integrate advanced technologies and hire field experts with background in managing national information resources and building e-government. Practical implications. The authors’ survey results may be used in legislative work related to the legal regulation of information relations of public procurement subjects in the economy. The particular article may also be used in further scientific researches concerning information relations of public procurement subjects in the economic field. Moreover, the article might be used in the academic process, in lectures and seminars on information and administrative law. Value/originality. The scientific novelty of the article comprises of synthesis of existing normative and doctrinal approaches to understanding information relations of public procurement subjects in the economy; generalization of information concerning public procurement subjects in the economic field; determination of development prospects of administrative and legal regulation of information relations of public procurement subjects in the economic sphere. The authors have articulated development prospects of administrative and legal regulation of information relations of public procurement subjects in the economy, emphasized the necessity of enhancing preventive control in the form of general (analytical) monitoring, particular procurement procedures supervision, and further automation of the procurement process. Moreover, the article focuses on the professionalization of the public procurement sphere through educating qualified personnel to work with modern information systems and technical devices. The authors also support the necessity of continuing the implementation of measures aimed at the legislation improvement, public procurement sphere professionalization, international relations development and proper executions of functions established by the Law of Ukraine “On Public Procurement”.

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economy, public procurement, information relations, information infrastructure, administrative and legal regulation of national information infrastructure


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