

Published: Oct 29, 2019


The purpose of the study is to substantiate the benchmarks of digitization of the institutional environment of state financial control in Ukraine based on foreign experience. The methods of qualitative, quantitative, and correlation analysis, graphical modelling, causality tests, comparisons and generalizations were used. Results. The essence of the institutional environment of the state financial control is determined and its contradictions are revealed. It is established that in order to overcome the contradictions of the institutional environment of state financial control, it is necessary to resolve the issue of intensifying its digitalization since the use of financial technologies affects the state of governance. Directions of the digitization of the institutional environment of the state financial control were examined through the prism of relations “control-state”, “control-enterprise”, “controlsociety”, and “control-European Community”, with the justification of proposals that should be implemented in the context of isolated components. Practical importance. The digitalization of the institutional environment of state financial control should be based on electronic democracy, parameterization of annual reports of controlling bodies, blockchain interoperability, automation of control measures, use of artificial intelligence and cloud computing technologies, services based on open data, interactive methods of information sharing (social networks, television programs, and video blogs), and electronic tax fraud identification services in international trade. Value/ originality. The level of digitalization of the external institutional environment of the state financial control is higher than the level of digitalization of the internal environment. This creates the basis for the development of the theory of state financial control, as well as the practice of its implementation, which requires appropriate innovative and technological transformations.

How to Cite

Volosovych, S., & Baraniuk, Y. (2019). STATE FINANCIAL CONTROL IN TERMS OF DIGITALIZATION OF THE INSTITUTIONAL ENVIRONMENT. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 5(4), 82-91.
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state financial control, digitalization, institutional environment, shadow economy, blockchain, big data, cloud technology


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