

Published: Mar 16, 2020

  Svitlana Melnychenko

  Svitlana Volosovych

  Yurii Baraniuk


The purpose of the research is the definition of the dominant ideas of financial technologies in digital banking. The methods of theoretical generalization, qualitative, quantitative and correlation analysis, causality tests, description and explanation are used, which made it possible to establish the relationship between the volume of investments in financial technologies and the performance of the banking system, identify the areas of application of financial technologies in the activities of the bank, determine the dominant ideas of financial technologies in digital banking and to uncover the factors and prospects of intensifying the use of financial technologies in digital banking in Ukraine. Results of the research are to substantiate the impact of artificial intelligence, biometrics, cloud services, big data, blockchain and open banking services on digital banking. Due to financial technologies in digital banking, it is possible to generate and store large amounts of data, simultaneously analyze and apply the results of their analysis, provide personalized banking services, perform the functions of central storage of information about the client of financial and non-financial nature, which facilitates the effective investment and credit decision-making, as well as improving the level of information security of banking operations. Practical implications. Financial services markets are transformed by the impact of financial technologies. Development of financial technology instruments by non-banking institutions necessitates the identification of opportunities for their use in banks. The set of financial technologies used by banks forms the digital banking system, the development level of which is the main competitive advantage of the bank in the business environment. Digital banking is characterized by the continuity and security of banking services, which provide the consumer with the ability to receive them online anywhere around the clock, personalization of banking services, digital authentication of users and digitization of banking transactions with the replacement of paperwork. The use of financial technologies in digital banking enables to automate customer segmentation processes, reduce costs on payment transactions, optimize accounting, financial and tax accounting, improve customer service and expand your customer base while maximizing revenue in certain business segments. Value/originality. The basic spheres of the use of financial technologies in digital banking, as well as the factors and prospects of intensifying the use of their instruments in Ukraine are revealed. The main areas of use of financial technologies in digital banking are customer behavior analysis, transaction monitoring, customer identification and segmentation, fraud management, banking services personification, risk assessment and regulatory compliance, customer response analysis, process automation, financial advice, investment decision-making, trade facilitation, syndicated loan services, and P2P transfers. The prospects for developing financial technology tools in digital banking include strengthening the interaction between regulators, banks and financial technology companies, the increased use of biometrics, the development of neo-banking and open banking services.

How to Cite

Melnychenko, S., Volosovych, S., & Baraniuk, Y. (2020). DOMINANT IDEAS OF FINANCIAL TECHNOLOGIES IN DIGITAL BANKING. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 6(1), 92-99.
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digital banking, financial technologies, cloud services, blockchain, big data, artificial intelligence, biometrics


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