

Published: Aug 5, 2020

  Oleksandr Prasov

  Yuliia Abakumova


The purpose of the paper is a study of economic and legislative problems in financing the provision of health care to the imprisoned persons, exercising their right to health care and providing proposals to fill existing gaps in the legislation. Methodology. The survey is based on an analysis of the development of the regulatory framework for health care and the principles of financing health care in some European and post-Soviet countries. A general description of the principles of financing the health care system in the European countries is given. The principles of expenditures on health care financing in relation to public and private expenditures and basic models of health care financing are analyzed. The current state of the health care system and the problems and features of providing health care to imprisoned persons in the post-Soviet territory, in particular in Ukraine, Armenia, the Russian Federation, in the Republics of Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, is studied. The problems of provision, realization and ensuring the right to health care to persons who are in the institution of execution of penalties are considered. An analysis of the regulatory framework governing the issue of the right to health care and the procedure for its implementation. Ways to solve problems related to the exercise of the right to health care for prisoners are proposed. Proposals for improving the regulatory framework in the health care sector on the harmonization of legislative acts (regulations governing the general principles of health care and the provision of health care for the imprisoned persons) are presented. Results. In the process of studying the state policy on financing the provision of health care to the citizens in the European and post-Soviet countries and based on the analysis of the modern legal framework, the need to reform the health care system is justified since only public financing of health care, or a larger percentage (over 80%) of such financing cannot provide all the necessary needs of the health care system. The need to harmonize the legislation of the post-Soviet countries is emphasized in accordance with the international standards. It is concluded that in most post-Soviet countries, the imprisoned persons have the opportunity to implement the legislation on financing and guarantees of health care, but taking into account their legal status and the regime of serving the sentence. Practical implications. Proposals to take into account the health care experience of countries, the achievements of which in the health care sector are recognized by the world community, and which, in addition to public financing of health care, actively turn to other sources, such as social insurance, targeted contributions of the enterprises, etc., are made. Value/originality. The article provides proposals for amendments to the legislation in the health care sector in some post-Soviet countries on the harmonization of legislation governing the general principles of health care and regulations governing the provision of health care to imprisoned persons.

How to Cite

Prasov, O., & Abakumova, Y. (2020). PROCEDURE AND PROBLEMS OF FINANCING PROVISION OF HEALTH CARE TO THE IMPRISONED PERSONS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 6(3), 114-123.
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financial support, health care, health care system, the right to health care


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