The purpose of the paper is to search for arguments to confirm the working hypothesis about the importance of implementing a systemic approach to using the effective means of ensuring economic security of higher education institutions in terms of their further involvement in market relations. It is necessary to adapt the universal concept of a systemic approach to the peculiarities of the participants’ relations in the educational process. Methodology. To solve the problems arising from the purpose of the study, methods of generalization and systematization of primary information obtained during the observation of the practice of domestic higher education centers, as well as data from state statistics have been used. Results. Modern centers of educational services are going through a period of profound transformation. Along with the strengthening of business requirements for the quality of intellectual capital they produce, the competitive confrontation with Ukrainian and, more recently, foreign providers of educational services has significantly intensified. Moreover, the relevant state policy has changed dramatically, accordingly, it is becoming increasingly difficult to rely on budget funding, and the economic security is becoming a daily affair of the whole academic management. Taking care of the future well-being is becoming a matter for everyone: from the rector to the head of the department, even professors and senior lecturers. The scientific work has examples of how this problem is solved in relations with key stakeholders: applicants, educational institutions operating in common market segments, representatives of the business community, state executive authorities. The subject of special attention is the internal system structure, the important characteristics of which are considered to be flexibility, balance, and economy. For this reason, it is proposed to distinguish key activities of the educational institution: operating, research and development of the institution and administration. The vectors for development are determined: digitalization, personalization of education, project approach to the formation of educational content, a combination of its formal and informal forms.
How to Cite
economics, economic security, educational services, educational institutions, system, structure, relations, academic management
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