

Published: Nov 24, 2020

  Ivan Parubchak

  Halyna Hrynyshyn


The purpose of this study is to define the content of the category “venture investment”, and to establish the relationship between the concepts of “venture investment” and “venture capital”, to analyze the state of venture investment in Ukraine and determine its role in innovative development of the economy, to systematize international experience consider the possibility of its adaptation in Ukraine. Object of research: venture capital in the system of financing innovation processes in the modern economy. The methodological basis of the study is a set of general scientific and special methods of cognition. Methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization and scientific abstraction were used in the formation of the conceptual and categorical apparatus. The analysis of approaches to understanding the essence of venture investment, its components was carried out using dialectical and systemic-structural methods. The application of the historical and logical method, induction and deduction made it possible to study the genesis of the theory of economics and enterprise management, the factors of the strategy of development of venture investment of business entities. Within the framework of the study of the current state of venture investment, calculation and analytical methods of observation, measurement, analysis and comparison are used. Conclusions. Based on the above study, we can assume that venture capital is a combination of financial, human and intellectual resources, which with a high level of risk is invested in the development and implementation of high-tech products of companies that are in their infancy and initial development and are not listed on the stock market and in case of success brings its owner a profit that is much higher than the industry average. Despite the riskiness of investments, venture investments have a number of attractive prospects and advantages. As world experience shows, venture-backed companies are better prepared to innovate, grow faster and create more jobs in the future.

How to Cite

Parubchak, I., & Hrynyshyn, H. (2020). FEATURES OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN SHAPING STRATEGY OF VENTURE INVESTMENT OF BUSINESS ENTERPRISES. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 6(4), 125-132. https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2020-6-4-125-132
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venture investment, venture capital, innovations, investment fund, investments, association, financial institutions, company, startups


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