

Published: Apr 26, 2021

  Liudmyla Lyktey


In the review article the development trends of teachers' competence in the educational institutions from abroad are analyzed. Based on the scientific analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological research, the emphasis is put on the importance of the concept of «competence». The role of competence and its influence over methodical growth, improvement of teachers’ professional qualities is defined. It was found that the multi-vector nature for the method competence improvement depends on the conditions of development of scientific and educational space. The necessity of borrowing European experience and continuous integration development of teachers' method competence in Ukrainian educational institutions taking into account the world а scientific and methodological thought is substantiated. It is proven that due to globalization social processes, competence in the foreign scientific and educational environment is rapidly transforming. Thus, the development issue of teachers method competence is relevant for our study, because the concept of «competence» is the subject of numerous scientific researches, meetings, conferences of domestic and international scientists in the European Union and beyond it. The issue of studying and borrowing international practices and world experience that would contribute to the full development of the domestic educational sector remains extremely important. To obtain a complete picture of the development of teachers' method competence, it is advisable to study the experience of foreign scientists and educational institutions from abroad, as well as clarification the essence of numerous methodological and pedagogical concepts. In the context of the study of this problem, we draw attention to the fact that the presentation of world best pedagogical experience, embodied in cooperation, study and promotion is not only relevant and important, but is also very necessary.

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competence, method competence, methodological culture, methodological activity, methodical work, development


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