

Published: Apr 26, 2021

  Olena Taranukha


The digital economy allows to compose the new business models, digital platforms and services, which create new types of economic activity, as well as the transformation of traditional industries. Due to the industries transformation to the digital economy there is the transformation of the world economy, or rather the economy itself is being digitized The purpose of the paper is to reveal the essence and features of the digital economy formation and to consider what significant transformations will take place in the world by the analysis of major trends in the near future. Accumulating all the concepts, we can say that the digital economy is the rather complex term, but we can assume that its development is based on the key components According to forecast estimates, the most advanced retail companies will begin implementing the service of virtual and voice search of goods by 2022. This will require from the company the better understanding of the consumers wishes, their interests and intentions. Consider the main technological development trends for 2020-2025 based on the data of the major consulting agencies and the consulting company "Cartner" Figure 2 shows the forecast curve of the new technologies development. Innovative development triggers that will actively influence the technology development include the following: the Authenticated Provenance, Low-Cost Single Board Computers at the Edge, Self-Supervised Learning, BMI (Brain Machine Interface), active development of "Packaged Business Capabilities" services, Digital Twin of the Person and Composible Enterprises. The peak of disappointments will be Social Distancing Technologies and Secure Access Service. The source of expectations will be the development of Carbon-Based transistors technology and Human digital Ontologies. The formation of a productivity platform will be based on trends in Self-Development and Self-Education. Digital IT trends grow, evolve and acquire new properties of social technologies that can influence the structure of the community, form dependencies and demand. Therefore, companies, large corporations and government need to move to more flexible composite business architectures. The modular business model is based on four basic principles: modularity, efficiency, continuous improvement and adaptive innovation. This business model allows to move from rigid traditional planning to a flexible response to rapidly changing business needs. In general, it creates opportunities for innovative approaches, reduces costs and improves partnerships. It is important to pay attention to the other technologies in the new business model such as bundled business services, data factories, private 5G networks and embedded artificial intelligence. Thus, as a result of the research it is proved that the digital world is a completely new order of life, which requires to change our thinking. The person should be always focused on the new technologies and methods in order the enterprises remain competitive and constantly developed, it will promote the economy development and the growth of well-being of the society. So, taking into account the global trends in technology development, Ukraine has to adapt to the new standards quickly and implement innovative solutions for the economic development. The digitalization of the economy, on the one hand, is the key to economic success, on the other hand, it is the driving force in the conditions of the conceptual understanding of the digital economy essence. The growth of the quality and innovation level of domestic goods and services should provide not only sustainable economic growth, but also competitive advantages with further integration into the EU. At the same time, there is the relevant need of the scientific and technological research, the formation of a certain business ("digital") culture, the implementation of smart city ideas in Ukraine based on the development of local communities and the emergence of new initiatives and proposals for innovative solutions.

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Digital economy, digital components, digital trends, Сloud Technology, IIoT, Augmented Reality, Big Data, Spectrum Technology Platform, Hype Cycle Technologies


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