

Published: Jun 29, 2021

  Mariia Foshchii

  Natalia Krasnokutska


The purpose of the paper is to study the features of the lean production implementation in the dairy industry of Ukraine. Methodology. To achieve the purpose and solve the tasks set in the paper, a system of general and special research methods was used, namely methods of scientific knowledge (scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis, deduction, generalization) to study the theoretical principles of the lean production implementation in Ukraine’s enterprises, and questionnaire to assess the lean production implementation’s effectiveness in the enterprises of Ukraine’s dairy industry. Results of the survey examine the theoretical and methodological foundations of the “lean production” concept: taking into account all the definitions mentioned above, the following author’s definition of lean production is put forward: lean production is a system of the enterprise, which is constantly improving, aimed at building all processes in a continuous flow of value creation by preventing and eliminating all types of losses, involving staff in teamwork based on project approaches and maintaining safe working conditions in order to create attractive value for the consumer. Methodological support for rapid assessment of the lean production implementation’s effectiveness on the basis of employee surveys has been developed and the efficiency of the lean production implementation at the enterprises of Ukraine’s dairy industry has been assessed. It is concluded about the lack of effectiveness of implementing lean production at three enterprises of Ukraine’s dairy industry. This is due to the short period of the lean production implementation, as Enterprise 1 only started implementation at the end of 2020. Based on the survey and questionnaire of employees and managers of Ukraine’s dairy industry, the main stereotypes related to the implementation of lean production are identified and refuted, and the reasons for the slow and inefficient implementation of lean production are identified. Lean manufacturing cannot be implemented once and for all, it must be done constantly, because lean manufacturing is a tool for gaining a competitive advantage. Scientific novelty: methodological support for rapid assessment of the lean production implementation’s effectiveness has been further developed, which, unlike others, takes into account the peculiarities of the dairy industry and allows to determine problems and prospects for enterprise development on the basis of a questionnaire. A promising direction of research is a more detailed analysis of the “lean production polygon”, which is based on the survey. A more detailed analysis of the underlying three pentagons will reveal problems in the three subsystems of lean production.

How to Cite

Foshchii, M., & Krasnokutska, N. (2021). FEATURES OF THE LEAN PRODUCTION IMPLEMENTATION AT THE ENTERPRISES OF UKRAINE’S DAIRY INDUSTRY. Three Seas Economic Journal, 2(2), 48-53. https://doi.org/10.30525/2661-5150/2021-2-8
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lean production, concept, implementation of lean production, efficiency assessment, problems of the lean production implementation


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