The article is devoted to the problem of using modern marketing tools in the context of corporate social responsibility. It was offered the mechanism of introduction of principles of social responsibility of business through implementation of the concept of socio-ethical marketing in business practice. It was substantiated the elements of the marketing complex for the concept of socio-ethical marketing and the modern vision of this concept, which involves the use of digital marketing tools to promote goods, services and ideas. It was analyzed the factors of global influence on the conditions of doing business, which were formulated in the following areas: a single information space; creation of new business models using artificial intelligence; the economy of shared consumption, which enhances the ability to access various sources of information, providing a multidimensional picture of consumer behaviour; increase consumer loyalty to the use of digital search tools about the characteristics of the product and the possibilities of its purchase and further use; new systems of marketing information in terms of expanding its subsystem of Internet research; the spread of cognitive technologies creates new approaches to information processing and management principles, and also contributes to the transformation of many areas of social and economic development in terms of displacing human labour as a factor in the production of some of them. It was proposad the author's approach to the modern interpretation of socio-ethical marketing, which is based on the needs of consumers in the context of the principles of social responsibility and modern digital tools for their implementation, taking into account the factors of global influence. In the context of such an approach, ethical norms and principles of corporate social responsibility must be implemented. The main purpose of socio-ethical marketing should be the formation of consumer loyalty through the creation of associations with social programs conducted by enterprises and organizations. In this context, the tasks of socio-ethical marketing should be: the analysis of the target audience; development of measures to form a system of customer loyalty and strengthen the position of the brand in a niche market; the improving the quality of goods and services and their compliance with socio-economic and environmental standards; the formation of a system of measures that will improve the quality of life. It was carried out the analysis of marketing tools in the context of realization of the concept of socio-ethical marketing in the conditions of digitalization. It was considered the conditions of development of digital marketing tools. It was determined that the marketing tools that are implemented in the digital economy have certain advantages in the formation of socially defined attributes and needs of specific social groups. However, it does not sufficiently regulate the ethical issues of using personal data of consumers in the context of digitalization. However, studies show a trend of change in the field of socio-ethical relations with consumers, the formation of a paradigm of social responsibility of doing business in new conditions with the spread of cognitive technologies for managing consumer behavior.
How to Cite
consumer marketing, social responsibility, marketing tools, the concept of socio-ethical marketing
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