

Published: Sep 30, 2021

  Zarina Poberezhna


The purpose of the paper is research of the components of the external environment and assessment of its impact on the functioning of airlines in open markets. The article defines the essence of the concept of the external environment of the airline, in which the classical scheme highlights the environment of direct and indirect influence. The author notes that direct factors affect the activities of each individual airline separately, and indirectly – form general industry trends in competitive markets. In modern conditions, when the external environment of enterprises is extremely dynamic not only in Ukraine but also internationally, the problem of developing methodological approaches to assess the impact of macroeconomic factors on the activities of airlines is extremely relevant. Assessing the general trends in the aviation industry, it should be noted that the aviation industry is one of the few transport sectors that is developing gradually and has positive growth rates, despite the large wear of aircraft, which adversely affects the image component of most airlines. Methodology. Methods of scientific research are abstraction, grouping of data, study of time series, which made it possible to generalize the concept of environment, trends in the industry, assessment of the impact of individual factors on the development of the industry determined by correlation analysis. Results the analysis of the availability and degree of the relationship between the studied indicators made it possible to conclude that there is a strong relationship between the rate of domestic passenger traffic and population, the size of real GDP and income. Factors such as the political crisis, economic crisis, wars, terrorist acts, plane crashes, pandemics affect both domestic and global passenger traffic, which in turn is reflected in the financial condition of individual airlines. Practical implications. Analysis of the dynamics of the influence of components of the external environment of the functioning of aviation enterprises in competitive markets allows airlines to ensure sustainable development and economic activity without taking into account their economic activities. Thus, to ensure the effective operation of the enterprise in competitive markets and maintain competitiveness requires systematic management of the main resources of the enterprise. Value/originality. The author identified macroeconomic factors influencing the dynamics of the air transport industry, established the relationship between passenger traffic and global and national cataclysms (financial crises, political crises, plane crashes, pandemics, wars, etc.), substantiated the factors that caused the greatest impact on activities aviation enterprises.

How to Cite

Poberezhna, Z. (2021). DYNAMICS OF INFLUENCE OF COMPONENTS OF THE EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT OF AVIATION ENTERPRISES FUNCTIONING IN COMPETITIVE MARKETS. Three Seas Economic Journal, 2(3), 87-94. https://doi.org/10.30525/2661-5150/2021-3-12
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external environment, factors of influence, airline, air transportation, cargo transportation, competitive markets, airlines


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