Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a significant part of the activities carried out by the banking units is moved to the online environment. This fact automatically decreases the number of subsidiaries and, implicitly, generates the staff layoff. Also, this phenomenon affects the potential candidates for a position within a banking unit. Here, the most vulnerable category is students studying in the Department of Economics. One of the reasons they choose to enroll in a department with an economics major is the opportunity to work in the banking units. A survey was conducted to find out how economics students in Romania perceive these threats. A questionnaire was used as an instrument. Respondents (N=453) had the opportunity to express their intentions regarding career development in the banking sector, given the context created by the COVID-19 pandemic. The article concludes with the most representative findings on this research topic.
How to Cite
banking unit, career, COVID-19, students, survey
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