The aim of the article is to study psychological characteristics in the context of the negotiation process as one of the mechanisms of diplomacy in the XXI centu-ry. Research is based on an understanding of the main psychological factors of the participants and their influence on the results of negotiations. The success of the negotiation process depends on understanding the goal that the participants set for themselves, their general model of behavior, and the technology of negoti-ation. Methodology. The study used the methodology of interdisciplinary science. The authors used methods such as analysis and synthesis. An analysis of infor-mation from various sources based on psychological aspects of the negotiation process was conducted. The results of the analysis of psychological features of negotiations show that the psychology of participants is one of the integral fac-tors influencing the results of conflict resolution and the negotiation process itself. Negotiators may view negotiations as a means of winning or treat them as a means of analyzing a problem together with a partner and finding ways to solve it. From the psychological point of view, it is very important to take into account the fact that at the preparatory stage of negotiations there are already certain ide-as (stereotypes) about partners, connected with cultural and/or ethnic features. Careful preparation for negotiations and the study of the characteristics of the participants in terms of their psychology will allow for a successful conclusion of the negotiation process. Future negotiations can only be successful if the parties carefully analyze the situation. Misunderstandings between the parties can lead to a breakdown in negotiations or an unfavorable result. Practical implications. The results of the analysis of the psychology of participants in the negotiation pro-cess and identification of their characteristics can be used as a theoretical com-plement to the research in the context of psychological communication, causes and ways to resolve conflicts through negotiations. Value/originality. The study of psychological peculiarities allows us to better understand the partners in nego-tiations in order to complete them successfully with the most favorable condi-tions for all participants in the negotiation process.
How to Cite
psychology, international negotiations, conflicts, mediation, manipulation, stereotypes
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