The purpose of the article is to determine the influence of ethnic and cultural characteristics on the successful outcome of the negotiation process. The study is based on an understanding of the cultural component of the negotiation process, national, ethnic stereotypes and the formation of national style on their basis. An important aspect to consider is the influence of cultural sensitivities on the course of negotiations, which should lead to a positive end result. Methodology. The paper used the methodology of general scientific and interdisciplinary research. The authors of the article applied methods of analysis and synthesis, research, and description. A number of scientific works on intercultural negotiations and the influence of ethnic and cultural characteristics on the negotiation process were analyzed. The result of the analysis of the cultural factor in negotiations showed that culture as a social category, covering the mentality, habits, traditions of a particular social group, directly affects the behavior and motivation of the partic-ipants in the negotiation process. In this context, national stereotypes (the gener-alized image of representatives of a particular nation) are of great importance in the parties' perception of each other. These collective traits can be both positive and negative, but more often the stereotypes are negative. Therefore, it is im-portant for participants in intercultural negotiations not only to study, but also to understand the ethnic and national characteristics of their partners, to be able to change their perception of the other culture and not to base their attitudes and actions on purely national stereotypes. Although cultural differences can make joint decision-making difficult, this factor can also have a positive impact on the end result of negotiations. More attention is paid to common interests, and as a result, the likelihood of reaching consensus is higher when the parties have strong cultural differences. In addition, an important factor influencing the conduct and outcome of negotiations is the interpreters, whose role should be not only lan-guage skills, but also the cultural context of the negotiations. Practical meaning. Cultural analysis of the negotiation process is an important element in the train-ing of negotiators and can be the key to success in achieving mutually beneficial results. Value/originality. Learning and understanding ethnic and national char-acteristics and styles is an important factor in successful negotiations and in cre-ating favorable decision-making conditions that can satisfy all parties to the ne-gotiation process.
How to Cite
culture, negotiation process, ethnic features, intercultural negotiations, international negotiations, national stereotypes
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