

Published: Nov 30, 2021

  Tetiana Bukina

  Liudmila Perminova


The article analyzes the leading types of modern diplomacy. Problem statement. Changes in the system of international relations have led to increased attention to the study of issues related to modern diplomacy. However, in the scientific community, the study of the features and essence of the varieties of modern diplomacy is considered to be fragmented. The lack of thorough general theoretical works on this issue, as well as the frequent misunderstanding of the essence and tasks of modern diplomacy in the scientific and publicist literature, causes confusion and different interpretations of the terms. This points to the relevance and significance of further research in the field of modern diplomacy. The purpose of the study is to reveal the essence and define the terms " public diplomacy", " people' diplomacy", "civil diplomacy", "new public diplomacy", to establish their classification according to the subjects of implementation, addressees and peculiarities of practical implementation. The aim of the work is also to conduct a comprehensive analysis of "cultural diplomacy" and to identify the main achievements in this area in Ukraine. Methodology. This study uses the methodology of interdisciplinary level science. The interdisciplinary integration of knowledge and the integration of disparate characteristics into a system allowed to obtain new scientific knowledge, which consists in a comparative analysis of the leading types of modern diplomacy, highlighting "cultural diplomacy" as the main one and analyzing the main institutional achievements of Ukraine in cultural diplomacy. Results. The article summarizes the definitions of the concepts of "public diplomacy", "civil diplomacy", "people's diplomacy", "digital diplomacy", "new public diplomacy". Their essential features and main characteristics are highlighted, their comparative analysis is presented, and "cultural diplomacy" as the leading direction of modern diplomatic practice is analyzed. The institutional context of cultural diplomacy of Ukraine is considered. The conclusion is made that despite the failure of systemic cultural reforms in the past, today there are positive changes in cultural diplomacy. Ukraine's cultural vector in foreign policy acquires a systemic and strategic balance. Value/originality. A comparative analysis of different types of modern diplomacy is conducted, the definition of "cultural diplomacy" is clarified and the peculiarities of its institutional formation are considered. Practical implications. The materials of the article can be used for research and educational purposes, as well as for the further development of the vectors of Ukrainian cultural diplomacy.

How to Cite

Bukina, T., & Perminova, L. (2021). CULTURAL DIPLOMACY: INSTITUTIONAL CONTEXTS. Three Seas Economic Journal, 2(4), 24-30.
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formal and informal diplomacy, public diplomacy, citizen diplomacy, people's diplomacy, digital diplomacy, new public diplomacy, cultural diplomacy


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