

Published: Nov 30, 2021

  Svitlana Kiporenko


The banking system ensures the smooth functioning of the country's economy by servicing cash and non-cash payments, holding funds of legal entities and individuals, providing them with credit resources and many other types of operations. Banking activity is characterized by a high degree of risk, as banks operate under the constant threat of losing money and bankruptcy. Therefore, the fight against risk is an important task of the entire banking system, and ensuring banking safety becomes the cornerstone of the mechanism of financial security of the state. The existing problems in the banking system in modern conditions are exacerbated by the rapid development of the information economy, which is radically changing the payment landscape of entire countries and threatens the existence of the banking system as such in the usual sense. The aim of the study is a theoretical and analytical coverage of the problems and risks of banking security of the state in the development of the information economy. The subject of the study are the theoretical aspects of banking security of Ukraine in the development of information economy. The article used such methods of research as: the method of scientific knowledge (due to the purpose and objectives of the study); analysis and synthesis (to study the impact of the development of the information economy on the banking security of the state); comparative analysis (for the process of analyzing the existing methodological approaches to assessing the level of banking security of the state); statistical analysis, comparison and graphical methods (to assess the state of the main effects of the information economy on the banking system); systematization and statistical analysis (to determine changes in the operational component of banking activity under the influence of the information economy). It was also analyzed e-money transfer services and what e-money was issued by banks in 2020. Data on information security and cybersecurity of Ukrainian banks were provided. According to the results of the study, conclusions were made about the impact on the development of the information economy of the risks arising in banking operations. The prospects for further research in the field of improving the methods of security in the informatization of banking services are outlined.

How to Cite

Kiporenko, S. (2021). THE INFLUENCE OF THE INFORMATION ECONOMY ON THE ACTIVITIES OF BANKS. Three Seas Economic Journal, 2(4), 31-37.
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economic security of the state, banking security of the state, information economy, bank, banking system, non-cash payments, cryptocurrency, electronic credit platform, risk, threat


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