The purpose of the article is to substantiate the need for further development of the digital transformation of the Norwegian economy and to provide scientific and practical recommendations for improving its digital policy and concentration of high-tech information and communication technologies. Methodology. The research is based on modern methods of scientific research, in particular, general and special methods of analysis of economic phenomena and processes: historical-logical method; structural-comparative and graphical analysis (to analyze the digital level of Norway in terms of the Network Readiness Index, the Digital Economy and Society Index, the ICT Index and the Global Digital Competitiveness Index); structural-factor analysis; correlation and regression analysis; scenario approach (to justify the priorities of digital development of the Norwegian economy); methods of logical analysis, abstract and cognitive modeling. The results of the survey showed that along with the existing problems, there is significant potential for futher digital development of the Norwegian economy. In order to assess the readiness of the Norwegian economy to implement new forms of ICT (5G and new IoT), the development of ISPs and digital services provided in cyberspace and blockchain systems, the factors characterizing the level of the Norwegian economy digitalization are identified. The study identified the shortcomings, risks, opportunities and advantages of using the latest information and Internet technologies. Based on the results of the analysis, scientific and practical recommendations for the further development of the digital economy in Norway and the prospects for their practical implementation were developed. A set of measures to enhance the potential of the Internet of Things, active subscription to mobile broadband, medium and high-tech industries and digital infrastructure were proposed. Opportunities are proposed as development points to accelerate the transition of businesses to digitalization, encouraging the use of digital technology, creating new business models that include new jobs; employee functionality that encompasses Internet skills, and good computer proficiency. Practical implications. Analysis of the features of the development processes of digital transformation of the Norwegian economy allows us to identify priorities for the introduction of innovative forms of information and communication technologies. It is concluded that the small number of concentrated large databases, low turnover of e-commerce and cross-border online sales of high-tech does not yet allow Norway to begin full coverage of its territory and water area, where industrial innovation fish farms are located, with 5G Internet. To improve its digital policy and concentration of high-tech information and communication technologies, measures are proposed that will incorporate and promote digital development. Value/originality. The presented scientific and practical recommendations take into account current trends and conditions of digitalization of the economies of developed and developing countries, and can be used by governments to improve digital policy and form a sustainable management system of the digitalization process.
How to Cite
information society, digitalization, information and communication technologies, digital infrastructure, the digital competitiveness index, IT integration, digital transformation of the economy
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