

Published: Feb 18, 2022

  Yelyzaveta Mykhailova

  Stanislav Mykhailov


The study is devoted to crisis management in information warfare. Modern society, transformed into an information society, together with access to information and knowledge has received new threats to personal and national security. Information and communication are realized in the information space, which is a social or geographical space within which typical communication processes take place. Its subjects are individuals, social groups and organizations, and its objects are information or those who receive this information. The field of information warfare is constantly expanding, but its main part remains the media and the Internet. The purpose of the research is to describe and analyze the methods of crisis management of any organization in conditions of information warfare. Methodology. Since crisis management is seen as a process of interrelated functions, at the pre-crisis stage of its formation it is necessary to find out the factors that can prevent a crisis situation, to develop strategic business marketing plans, control risk factors to avoid possible losses and negative consequences. When developing strategies and management methods that prevent a crisis situation (pre-crisis management), preference is given to factors and tools that can activate the exit from the crisis (crisis management), and then to strategies aimed at renewal and post-crisis management systems. Results. Considering that information warfare is universal and can be implemented in all spheres of life, including economic, it affects the efficiency of the enterprise. In such a situation anti-crisis management is used, the purpose of which determines its stages: planning of strategies and programs; organization of optimal structure; motivation of personnel; control of timely changes. In accordance with the purpose of crisis management, its positive results can be observed in: restoring the financial equilibrium of the enterprise; alignment of imbalances of internal and external parameters of the enterprise; ensuring the financial stabilization of enterprises; ensuring and maintaining the viability of the enterprise. Another aspect of crisis management is public administration, which is implemented in the creation of a system of interaction between the state and the market economy, with the ability to overcome macro- and microeconomic crises, provided through financial and legislative regulation, industrial policy and income redistribution.

How to Cite

Mykhailova, Y., & Mykhailov, S. (2022). THEORETICAL APPROACHES TO CRISIS MANAGEMENT DURING THE INFORMATION WAR. Three Seas Economic Journal, 3(1), 129-132.
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crises, anti-crises management, informational war, informational society, public administration


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