

Published: Feb 18, 2022

  Volodimir Todosiichuk


The purpose of the study is the current state and trends in the development of the banking system of Ukraine. The main problems of functioning of banking institutions at the present stage of reforming the state economy were revealed. The essence and content of the category of banking security is analyzed, the role and importance of guaranteeing the safety of banks in the system of financial security of the state is shown. The main threats and risks to banking security in general are described, the principles of improving the level of banking security are outlined. The category of banking security is characterized by: the state of security of banking activities and resources of a financial institution, the ability to develop effectively in the strategic dimension, the ability to withstand threats, protect the economic interests of participants and the ability to increase the overall financial and economic potential. Methodology. Improvement of the mechanism of banking security is the implementation of measures at the level of the bank and the banking system as a whole. The measures include: improving regulatory support, bringing activities closer to international standards of banking services, introduction of conceptual approaches to strategic management of banks' financial security, improving the quality of corporate governance and bank management, etc. Results. To ensure the sustainable development of the national financial system, it is necessary to "improve" the management systems of banks, ensuring full economic protection from external and internal factors, which is one of the main directions of state policy in the field of economic security. Value/originality. Ensuring stability of the banking system, prevention of systemic banking crises is the most important task of authorized government bodies in the field of financial sector regulation. Considering the notion of banking supervision, it can be noted that "banking supervision" is a monitoring system consisting of state, international, inter-bank, intrabank, intra-bank supervision in the form of preliminary, introductory and current supervision from the establishment until liquidation of a bank or its subdivisions. It should be noted that banking supervision is a systemic system that comprises several closely intertwined elements. The components of banking supervision are control proper, which boils down to study or observation of compliance with legislation in the activities of banking institutions, as well as active actions by the National Bank of Ukraine to apply appropriate enforcement measures. The mechanism for ensuring the smooth functioning of the country's banking system is a set of tools used by government agencies and providing for regulatory and supervisory measures.

How to Cite

Todosiichuk, V. (2022). SECURITY MANAGEMENT OF UKRAINIAN BANKS. Three Seas Economic Journal, 3(1), 193-202.
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Ukraine, economic security, security management, bank, financial stability of banks


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