

Published: Feb 18, 2022

  Inna Tomashuk

  Vasyl Baldynyuk


The purpose of this work is to develop a methodology for the systematic study of international labor migration in conditions of geo-economic transformations and to substantiate on this basis new conceptual principles for regulating international migration at the national, interstate and regional levels. Methodology. The current state and influence of geo-economic transformations on the processes of international migration of labor resources is analyzed. It is determined that the regional migration policy should help to maximize the benefits of human resource migration for the development of the region and the use of immigrants in the region as an economic resource of strategic importance in the conditions of geo-economic transformations. The results show that the intensification of international migration contributes to removing institutional barriers to international human mobility, but numerous crises (illegal migration, migrants' income going into the shadows, humanitarian problems, social and security tensions) demonstrate the deficiencies of the institutional environment of countries pursuing migration policies. It is emphasized that deepening economic integration in less developed regions of the world requires the construction of regional migration policy as an element of the geo-economic strategies of regional integration associations. Practical implications. The issue of institutionalization of the regulation of international migration flows at the global, regional and national levels with the definition of the peculiarities of regional migration policies of certain integration associations is investigated. It is noted that the annexation of Crimea and the military conflict in eastern Ukraine have a negative impact on migration processes, leading to large-scale population displacement, a deep economic crisis and the intensification of labor migration. Value/originality. It is indicated that the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals for 2016-2030 include overcoming poverty, hunger, quality education and gender equality, reducing inequalities between countries, ensuring environmental sustainability, building a peaceful and open society. An institutional model of regional migration policy of integration associations as a factor of geo-economic transformation was developed.

How to Cite

Tomashuk, I., & Baldynyuk, V. (2022). INTERNATIONAL LABOR MIGRATION IN THE CONTEXT OF GEO-ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATION. Three Seas Economic Journal, 3(1), 203-216.
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international migration, national security, migration policy, geoeconomic transformations, globalization, labor force, human resources, restructuring, demographic potential


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