The purpose of the work is to study the process of formation of business structures in different regions of the world in the pre-pandemic and pandemic periods. The object of the study is the process of formation of business structures as integrated subjects of the global network economy. Methodology. The study uses the systematic method of cognition of processes and phenomena in their interconnection and development, as well as methods of statistical analysis used in the analysis of the formation of business structures in the pre-pandemic and pandemic periods. The results of the study reveal the features of the formation of new integration formations of network economy - business structures, which are understood as a complex open integrated system functioning in a dynamic globalized environment based on a combination of material and immaterial interests of member companies to accelerate joint development by accelerating the commercialization. joint innovation activities. It was found that the formation of business structures has become a modern global trend resulting from mergers and acquisitions (M&A) of several enterprises. Practical implications. The practical results of the study allow us to analyze the formation of global business structures in the pre-pandemic period (2015-2018) and the pandemic period (2019-2020). Thus, in the pre-pandemic period there was an annual increase in the number of global business structures by an average of 5%. However, their value in 2018 compared to 2015 decreased by 5.85% to USD 0.449 trillion. The number of global business structures in the regional aspect for 2015-2020, despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, increased annually only in North America (8.4% in 2020 compared to 2015). Other regions of the world saw an annual decline in the number of business structures. It was found that since 2019, due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number and value of business structures in the world has continued to decline, which has become rapid. The annual decline in the number of global business structures during the 2019-2020 pandemic averaged 6.37%, and the annual decline in their value averaged 33.19%. The regions that lost the most business during the 2019-2020 pandemic were Western Europe (2%), Southeast Asia (1.2%), and Eastern Europe (0.8%). Value/originality. The value of the study lies in the fact that it allows to analyze global trends in the formation of business structures in the pre-pandemic and pandemic periods and to identify further prospects for their formation in different regions of the world, given the rapid decline in the number of business structures in the world.
How to Cite
business structure, integration of enterprises, mergers and acquisitions, the COVD-19 pandemic, to the pandemic period, pandemic period
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