There is a growing trend of workplace sprituality in the management world. Not only workplace sprituality but employee engagement also catched the attention of the managerial employees because of its consequences. The main consequences of the emplyee engagement are employee job performance and organizational financial performance. The main aim of this study is to briege a population gap in the public listed banks Sri Lanka. Identified gap is that there is no evidance related to the Sri Lanka banking sector on the mediating effect of employee engagement on the relationship between work place sprituality and employee job performance. This is a quantitative study which uses random Sample of 92 of the managerial employees in the listed banks in Sri Lanka. The main purpose of the study is hypothesis testing and cross sectional study was conducted in a natural environment with the minimum researcher interference. Initially reliability and confirmatory validity is ensured using SmartPLS 3.3.9 software and partial least squares model is used to examine the hypothesis. This study found the positive significant relationship between spirituality and job performance and which have empirical and theoretical contributions.
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workplace sprituality, employee engagement, employee job performance
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