The article analyzes the state of Ukraine's cooperation with leading international financial organizations, paying special attention to such organizations as the International Monetary Fund, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the World Bank, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association. The article identifies the advantages and disadvantages of cooperation with the IMF. The investment and credit activity of IFRS in Ukraine is analyzed. The influence of IFRS on the economic development of the country has been studied. The features of Ukraine's cooperation with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development are revealed. The most relevant joint projects of the World Bank and the Government of Ukraine are given. The subject of the study is theoretical and practical issues related to the role of international financial organizations in financing the state development of the country. The purpose of the article is to open to identify the impact of international financial and credit institutions on financing the social development of Ukraine. research methods. The work uses a combination of general scientific and specific methods and approaches, such as dialectics, consistency, the method of scientific abstraction, comparative and factor analysis, and the logical approach. Work results. The role and significance of the IFC as an important source of external financial resources are disclosed. Scientific approaches to the use of international financial assistance and ensuring economic development in conditions of financial imbalances are summarized. It is shown that the experience of international financial organizations and their recommendations make it possible to take into account global and regional trends and processes, risks and problems in the financial environment. This is important for shaping the financial policy of sovereign states and improving the formats of their cooperation in the international arena. Findings. Financial cooperation with international institutions is a powerful source and an effective tool for the development of the national economy. The resources of international financial institutions are used to implement programs aimed at market reform, ensuring the stability of the national currency, solving socio-economic problems, economic growth, financing the state budget deficit and balancing the balance of payments. But financial debt to these institutions makes the country's economy vulnerable and dependent on foreign creditors. Now, when Ukraine is in a state of crisis, the issue of finding resources in the external market needs an urgent solution. Of particular relevance is the search for ways to expand international financial cooperation of Ukraine, which is associated with the need to provide the national economy with the necessary amount of financial resources due to a lack of funds in the Ukrainian market. A sovereign country has advantages in obtaining external official financial resources in comparison with other economic entities, which are determined by the trust in the sovereign state. This means support in the international arena and better conditions for receiving financial assistance. Additional financial resources as part of external official assistance allow the introduction of the latest technologies and financing mechanisms of the IFC, which improves the best management of financial resources and increases the efficiency of their use.
How to Cite
International credit and financial organizations, IMF, EBRD, World Bank Group, IBRD, IFC, GODS, Ukrainian economy, investments
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