The purpose of the paper is to study the problem aspects and methods of current assets presentation in the accounting in order to make informed managerial decisions in the enterprise management. Methodology. In the process of writing this article various general scientific and specific research methods were used, in particular the dialectic method (in the study of eco-nomic phenomena and categories), the induction and deduction method (in the study of the current assets place in the accounting system), the historical, logical and comparison methods (at the stage of accounts specification of the current assets accounting), the systemic method (by the disclosure of the accounting organization processes of current assets), the observation method (in the process of study the state of current assets at the enterprise), the generalization and comparison method (at the stage of theoretical positions generalization and conclusions formation of this study). Results. It was established that current assets are a necessary component of the company property and require the development of an appropriate accounting system in order to provide timely information on the presence, movement and use of current assets of the enterprise. The organization of current assets accounting of an enterprise is complicated by the uncertainty and constant changes in the legal acts. In order to accurately present the inventory accounting of the enterprise, the accountants should timely show the economic operations on the receipt and movement of current assets in the primary accounting documents. Taking into account the direction and documentary registration of operations on the receipt and retirement of stocks, we have developed the chart of inventory behaviour at the enterprise, which clearly shows the formation of information of the accounts. The computer accounting program "BAS Accounting" is offered for use, which will allow to optimize the accounting of current assets at the enterprise in the best way. Practical implications. The practical use of the proposed offers will ensure the correct presentation of operations on the organization of current assets accounting and the prompt receipt of the necessary information by the company management. Value/originality. The results of the study are aimed at improving the quality, reliability and efficiency of current assets accounting and can be used in the work of Ukrainian enterprises. Evaluation of current methods of accounting for current assets, development and implementation of recommendations for their practical improvement will improve both accounting and, accordingly, management decisions on their effective use in the enterprise.
How to Cite
current assets, accounting organization, computer accounting program, methods of current assets presentation in the accounting, enterprise
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