The article considers the peculiarities of accounting and taxation of income of farm members and employees. For most agricultural regions of the country, farms are one of the main activities and an important element of the agricultural production system. The main difference between farms and other forms of management is that, given limited capital resources, they try to achieve maximum profits in the long run, which is a prerequisite for continuous operation. The main advantage of farms is the ability to effectively combine the entrepreneurial initiative of peasants, their economic opportunities with the interests of the state, social sphere and lifestyle of peasants. The specific features of agricultural production are studied, attention is paid to the seasonal nature of work in farms. A comparison of regulatory and legal regulation, accounting and taxation of payments for the remuneration of members of farms, employees and individuals providing services under civil law contracts. The specific features of the formation, accounting and taxation of income of members of the farm in accordance with the contribution or labor participation of its founders. Systematization of the main normative-legal legislative acts on taxation of incomes of members of a farm and employees is carried out. It is established that the amount of wages of employees does not depend on the final result of the economy and can not be less than the minimum wage established by law. The duration of annual leave of persons working on a farm under an employment contract (contract) must also not be less than that established by the state in accordance with applicable law. It is noted that incorrect reflection in the accounting of payroll of employees and members of the farm causes a significant distortion of accounting, tax, financial and analytical support for the formation of indicators of financial and tax reporting. The publication contains elements of the methodology of accounting and methodological recommendations that can be used in the practice of accounting and taxation of farms.
How to Cite
farming, members of the farm, employees, labor relations, income taxation
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