

Published: Oct 31, 2022

  Anton Atno Parluhutan Sinaga


The purpose of this study is to identify the poverty perspective and poverty alleviation strategies in Indonesia. Poverty is one of the problems still facing Indonesia. Given that the problem of poverty in Indonesia is a complex and multifaceted problem, poverty reduction efforts should be carried out in a comprehensive manner, covering various aspects of people's lives and implemented in an integrated manner. It is important to know what factors influence poverty for the benefit of society, people and the state. The aim of this study was to identify the factors that cause poverty and ways to overcome them. The results of previous literacy studies show that poverty is influenced by many factors. One of them is micro-poverty caused by unequal distribution of resource ownership, which leads to unequal distribution of income. The problem of poverty is a challenge that has been going on for a long time until today. In fact, many poverty reduction programs have been implemented by the government, but have not brought significant changes. Poverty reduction programs are implemented in many countries around the world. The development strategy elaborated by the Indonesian state has so far been based on high rates of economic growth. According to the forecasts of high rates of economic growth, income is distributed unevenly among all segments of the population, there is an imbalance between growth and equity. Observing some mistakes of the poverty reduction paradigm, where the analysis should bring to the forefront the variables that are significant for poverty reduction, exactly those variables that are not significant, so the strategies that should be adopted to overcome poverty: should also not only prioritize the economic aspect, but also pay attention to other dimensions; to increase the capacity and productivity, the chosen strategy is to increase the basic ability of the poor to increase income; involvement of the poor in the whole process of poverty reduction; empowerment strategy. People-centered development approach as a paradigm of decentralized policy is very relevant in overcoming social problems, including poverty.

How to Cite

Atno Parluhutan Sinaga, A. (2022). POVERTY PERSPECTIVES AND REDUCTION STRATEGIES IN INDONESIA. Three Seas Economic Journal, 3(3), 1-9. https://doi.org/10.30525/2661-5150/2022-3-1
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poverty, strategy, alleviation, formulation, society


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