The purpose of the article is to establish the place of marketing in crisis management of the enterprise, to study the role of the main aspects of crisis marketing in modern enterprises; mastering the components of marketing crisis management of enterprises, to avoid the vulnerability of the enterprise to crisis phenomena and eliminate their consequences. The methodological basis of the study was the generalization of the results of applied research in the field of economics, scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, which highlight the fundamental theories of competitive advantage, competitiveness and marketing management. Results. The article conducts a study on determination of the place of marketing in anti-crisis management of an enterprise, establishes the role of main aspects of anti-crisis marketing at modern enterprises; mastered the mechanism of marketing anti-crisis management of enterprises, the purpose of which is to form a strategy for overcoming the crisis and eliminating the consequences of crisis phenomena. Practical results. Given the constant changes in the environment of their functioning, enterprises should develop marketing programs that provide for measures to be taken to stabilize the market situation and overcome the insolvency crisis. Value/originality. In the understanding of the authors, crisis management should cover all subsystems of enterprise management: operational, technical, financial, and especially strategic, marketing, personnel. In the understanding of the authors, crisis management should cover all subsystems of enterprise management: operational, technical, financial, and especially strategic, marketing, personnel. It is recognized that marketing in crisis management is not just one of the subsystems of the enterprise, but the basis that ensures the sustainability of all its other departments.
How to Cite
anti-crisis management, anti-crisis marketing, marketing activities, anti-crisis program, marketing strategy
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