The article is aimed at substantiating the peculiarities of managing the innovative activity of enterprises in modern conditions. Methodology. The article substantiates the importance of innovation activity and innovations for modern enterprises. The review of statistical data on sources of financing of innovation activity in Ukraine is carried out. The reasons that led to the actual state of innovation in the country are indicated. The main stages of innovation management at enterprises, shortcomings and the most pressing problems are determined. Results. Considering the issue of innovation management, it is worth noting that currently there is no country where economic competition for leadership in world markets would not be associated with innovation, the innovation impetus, to a greater extent, concerns Ukraine. As never before, Ukraine must be ready to use innovative chances, increase competitiveness in order not only not to suffer losses, but on the contrary - to take advantage of new opportunities associated with EU enlargement. Under such conditions it is necessary to increase the efficiency of production factors, develop new competitive advantages that should ensure successful integration into the European and world markets. Practical implications. Innovation activity involves the development and implementation of new products, goods, technologies, organizational and managerial innovations through the development and use of the innovative potential of the enterprise. That is, development based on innovations enables enterprises to keep up with the times. Value/originality. It should be noted that the process of managing the development of an enterprise on an innovative basis includes the processes of introducing and using new equipment, technologies, management, organizational and other types of innovations carried out through the coordination, organization, streamlining, regulation of innovation processes and innovation activities of the enterprise. All this is aimed at preserving, maintaining and strengthening the competitiveness of the enterprise as a whole.
How to Cite
management, innovative activity, management of innovative activity, innovation, management process, enterprise
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