

Published: Oct 31, 2022

  Vitaliy Omelyanenko

  Maksym Vernydub

  Oleh Nosachenko


The purpose of this study is to consider the revitalization of old industrial areas in the framework of the project approach, which will take into account modern trends in innovative development. Methodology. The authors consider the revitalization of old industrial areas in the framework of the project approach, which will take into account modern trends in innovative development. The study based on the review of successful foreign and domestic experience allowed to summarize the key provisions of the revitalization of old industrial areas. It is determined that modern regional policy is implemented on the basis of targeted solution of specific problems and implementation of infrastructure projects. In foreign countries, new approaches are being applied to stimulate regional development through measures aimed at maximizing the use of regional potential, promoting entrepreneurship and innovation, supporting educational projects and retraining the local workforce, which allows better use of the potential of depressed regions in connection with the development of more prosperous regions of the country. Practical implications. The formation of the innovation system of old industrial cities and regions integrated into the knowledge economy concerns the interaction of business entities at all levels: an adequate response of industrial enterprises to changing operating conditions should be supported by effective institutional policy of the region and the state. Studying the world experience of modernization of old industrial regions makes it possible to identify the best practices and tools that will contribute to the development of these territories. Foreign experience convincingly proves the success of such projects and can be very interesting for certain territories and monocities of Ukraine. The choice of a specific model of revitalization should be carried out in each case individually, but the comprehensive renewal of the district territory involves a certain set of measures aimed at determining the new function of industrial areas, their planning structure, taking into account the entire urban organism. Value/originality. Based on the generalization of current trends, the promising components of modern projects for the revitalization of old industrial areas were identified. In this regard, the creative cluster is an effective tool for demonstrating modern technologies directly in natural conditions, which contributes to the confident promotion of humane and progressive ideas in modern society.

How to Cite

Omelyanenko, V., Vernydub, M., & Nosachenko, O. (2022). INNOVATIVE PROJECTS FOR THE REVITALIZATION OF OLD INDUSTRIAL AREAS. Three Seas Economic Journal, 3(3), 58-63.
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old industrial regions, innovations, revitalization, creative cluster, project


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