

Published: Apr 30, 2024

  Andrii Liubchenko


This article examines the problem of changing the designated purpose of agricultural land in the context of a modern market economy. The author draws attention to the priority of agricultural land use established by law and the importance of efficient use of these resources for the development of other sectors of the economy and in accordance with the needs of the population. The study examines the factors that influence the decision to change the designated purpose of land and discusses the possible consequences of such changes for agricultural production and environmental sustainability. The subject of this research is an analysis of the problem of changing the designated purpose of agricultural land in the current conditions of a market economy. The research methodology includes an analysis of current legislation, a study of the practice of applying its provisions, as well as a review of current research and statistics in the field of agriculture and land relations. The purpose of the article is to reveal the importance of the priority of agricultural land use and the need for efficient use of these resources in a market economy. The study shows that changing the designated purpose of agricultural land can have a significant impact on the economy, environment and social sphere. It is shown that, despite the need for other uses of some land plots, the priority of agricultural land use is a key factor in ensuring food security and sustainable agricultural development. Based on the analysis of research, the author concludes that it is necessary to implement comprehensive measures for the conservation and rational use of agricultural land. The proposed strategies include the development of effective legislation, promotion of alternative forms of agricultural production, such as organic agriculture, as well as control over compliance with land legislation and the introduction of tools for monitoring changes in land designation. The article examines the list of principles of land management, including the principles of sustainable use, rational use, environmental safety and others. The author emphasises the importance of taking these principles into account when making decisions on planning and use of agricultural land in order to ensure sustainable development of the agricultural sector and preservation of the environment. The study found that economic, environmental and social aspects are important among the principles that influence changes in the designated purpose of agricultural land. Economic principles include the value of land, its efficient use and market competitiveness. Environmental principles focus on the preservation of soil, water resources and biodiversity. Social principles take into account the interests of the local population, ensuring food security and even development of territories. The conclusion of the study emphasises the need to take these principles into account when developing strategies for land use, sustainable agricultural development and the conservation of natural resources. In addition, it is important to develop land management mechanisms based on the principles of economic efficiency, environmental sustainability and social responsibility. Such an approach states the need for a balanced approach to changing the designated purpose of land, taking into account the interests of the agricultural sector, the needs of the population and environmental requirements. This approach will help to ensure sustainable development of the agricultural sector and efficient use of land resources in the current economic and environmental challenges.

How to Cite

Liubchenko, A. (2024). GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF TARGET DESIGNATION OF AGRICULTURAL LANDS. Three Seas Economic Journal, 5(1), 86-90.
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agricultural land, change of designated purpose, principle of legality and regulation, principle of publicity and transparency, principle of balanced interests and environmental sustainability, principle of compensation for losses and stability of rights, principle of efficient use of resources


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