

Published: Jul 12, 2024

  Bogdana Vyshnivska

  Serhii Kvasha

  Vitalii Vakulenko


The purpose of the article is to assess the current state of the unmanned aerial vehicles market in the world, to review the classifications of unmanned aerial vehicles by type of construction, size, purpose, range, and to forecast trends in the development of their use in various fields of activity. Based on the analysis of the use of modern technologies for the production and transportation of goods, the author proposes to investigate the logistical possibilities of using unmanned aerial vehicles (hereinafter – UAVs) as delivery vehicles, including their technical and technological capabilities in the analysis. Based on the study of the drone market, taking into account the existing limitations and prospects for the development of the UAV market, the authors of the article aim to develop technological recommendations to ensure promptness in time, efficiency in terms of cost of delivery of the required goods. The logistics component of the study involves building consistent chains of interaction between market participants of this service in time, delivery method and payment sequence, depending on the stage and status of delivery of goods. The study also aims to develop recommendations to improve the efficiency and safety of UAV delivery, and to generalize the advantages of delivering goods by drones over similar consumer actions by purchasing them themselves in a retail network or on the manufacturer's field using their own vehicles. It is also necessary to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of delivering food products using UAVs in terms of their safety during transportation and to identify areas for further research and development to improve the safety and reliability of UAVs. Methodology. The study uses a monographic method of researching scientific knowledge based on analysis and synthesis. The use of traditional economic methods of systemic and comparative analysis made it possible to structure the objects of research according to their existing characteristics. The review of scientific publications, technical reports, patents and other sources of information allowed the authors of the article, as economists, to draw certain technical conclusions on UAVs, and on the basis of their basic conclusions, to draw conclusions regarding the safety, reliability and efficiency of using drones to provide food services to consumers. Research results. The authors propose the scientific idea of further studying the technical, technological, socio-economic components of the use of drones for further experiments and development of improved new approaches to such services. Thus, the use of a systematic, comprehensive methodological approach will allow us to obtain a comprehensive picture of the effectiveness and safety of UAVs for food delivery. Practical implications. The use of UAVs in the delivery of food and agricultural products has the potential to significantly change the logistics industry by providing fast, reliable and environmentally friendly solutions for the delivery of goods. Value/originality. Based on the study, the authors formulate conclusions and recommendations that may also be useful in developing programs and measures to counter climate challenges and aimed at sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine in peacetime.

How to Cite

Vyshnivska, B., Kvasha, S., & Vakulenko, V. (2024). UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLE MARKET CONDITIONS AND IT’S PRACTICAL USE IN THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR OF THE ECONOMY. Three Seas Economic Journal, 5(2), 14-22. https://doi.org/10.30525/2661-5150/2024-2-3
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market conditions, market, logistics, food supply, UAVs, drones, value chains, agricultural companies


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